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ameliarow edited this page Oct 16, 2021 · 1 revision

User and Play Testing Raw Data

The following raw data was collected and recorded during user testing sessions, which was consequently evaluated and analysed.


Tester Name: Amelia


  • Overall, what were your thoughts about the game?

The design of the game was nice, I liked the look and colours of the game and it felt consistent. But the gameplay was a bit poor and it feels impossible to succeed and play more than 10 seconds without dying.

  • Were you able to learn how to play quickly?

Yeah that was easy it’s like any other game.

  • ● What is the objective of the game?

To kill people and get to the end.

  • ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it?

Kill people and run for your life.

  • ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting?

Yes I would’ve liked to know the map view to see a picture of each room zoomed out, especially when it’s a large map. I think more information for the user was needed so they could understand the spatial location better.

  • ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what?

Yeah - it was really frustrating as I couldn’t survive more than 10 seconds, there was too many enemies I couldn’t move and had to stand killing enemies and in the end die. I also didn't know what I could and couldn't walk on - some objects i could walk through and some i couldnt and this was confusing especially when i had to run and would then hit something or walk across a fence in other times.


  • ● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change?

I really liked the main character and it felt like the highlight of the game. My second favourite thing was the menu page. My eyes were visually overwhelmed by the amount of different textures and colours when I was running, it made it more stressful for me.

  • ● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve?

Generally it felt like a pixel look but at some points there was too much colour mixing and some of the floors needed more simplicity. It made it difficult knowing what tile I could or couldn't run on and I didnt know they were walls.

  • ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal?

It was pretty good but there are a few things that needed work when playing. But the design was appealing.

  • ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game?

I think personally based on the game I would say people who play games a lot and are experienced gamers based on the difficulty of the game.


  • ● What did you think about the controls of the game?

I think the controls were good. They were pretty straight-forward and conventional so it made me comfortable playing.

  • ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right?

I felt it was rushed but it did feel slow when I was shooting. I felt the pacing of the enemies was much faster than the pacing of the main character and that made it very stressful.

  • ● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game?

I felt sometimes it was helpful but sometimes there was too much dialogue and I just wanted to get started with the music pumping.

  • ● Could you find the information you needed on the interface?

Yeah it was pretty easy to understand. But I couldn’t focus on the interface as I was trying not to get killed.

  • ● Was there anything about the interface you would change?

I would add more navigational features as I felt a bit lost and needed to know the controls displayed. Like click pause and a popup saying the controls and exit.

  • ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game?

I’d like to add coins and collect objects as I thought I could collect them and I kept running on them but some would hit me. I collected a bloodpool that was cool but I couldn’t find anything else. I’d also like to know where I’m going as I didn’t know where I was and also less enemies. Also maybe bonus tips to boost health and energy were needed on the map. A clearer map with clear coins and less enemies would be good. Even 2 enemies would be better.

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? 9

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game? 4

  • TIME: The user initially died and only lasted 8-10 seconds and then 20 seconds.
  • FAILURE: 5 times
  • THINK ALOUD: That was really hard there are too many enemies, It’s taking too long to kill enemies, Why can I walk on a chair, There’s too many enemies I can’t even walk all I do is kill, Where am I supposed to go – this is deadly

USER 2 Tester Name: Amelia GAMEPLAY ● Overall, what were your thoughts about the game?

I liked the colours and the layout and the characters and the music was cool. It was a cool setting and put me in the mood to play. ● Were you able to learn how to play quickly? Yeah the tutorial was helpful it helped me navigate around the space and get a feel for it before playing. ● What is the objective of the game? To kill the enemy and score points and get to the end. ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it? It’s about the world of vikings and how to survive in this world by fighting the enemies. ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting? Maybe a few more of the rules and controls could have been explained like how to navigate and the purpose of the game. The rules need to be more clearly set out at the start. ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what? The brick walls I didn’t realise at first were brick and I got mixed up with the floor and the wall. DESIGN ● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change? The design looked really good so I was expecting a really good game but I was a little disappointed as you die very quickly, I thought I would have more of a chance to play. The life doesn't last long - it’s a very short game for such a big setup, I think the time needs to be extended and less obstacles so you can play for a longer period. ● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve?

It was a bit unclear where the paths were at the start. The walls and the path were mixed up. It was confusing which is which at first so I would make them stand out a bit more so it’s more clear and distinct what the path is and what the wall is. ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal? It’s appealing because the characters look almost realistic and they’re historical and the colours really appeal to gamers. ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game? I think it would suit all age groups and all levels of ability from beginner to advanced gamers as well as a wide age group from the young to the old. I think most people can pick it up easily. It’s very inviting and easy to learn to play. It caters for a wide audience with different abilities. CONTROLS/USABILITY ● What did you think about the controls of the game? I really liked the spacebar as the attack as it was easy to use and I liked that. I think the controls were generally good. ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right? The game was too short, I feel it needs to be lengthened. Especially when you’re a beginner and playing it for the first time I couldn't last long in the game and was just starting to warm up and get into the game, it ended and I died. It was a bit frustrating that it was so short, I feel you could try and make it longer so you can get a bit further along. ● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game? The dialogue was good but some parts of it were a bit too long. I wanted to start the game and it kind of kept going and going, a few less would be better especially when I got into it and I wanted to start the game, I stopped reading it after the fourth or the fifth. I think if it’s too long people lose interest and stop reading which is what I did. I think you come to play the game and if it’s too long

you just zone out and don’t read it. But Otherwise a shorter dialogue is good and it puts you in the game in terms of what you’re trying to do. The dialogue did help understand the theme and world of the game. ● Could you find the information you needed on the interface? Yeah it was pretty clear. But the 2 starts were confusing. Settings was a little vague. ● Was there anything about the interface you would change? Maybe clearer menubar in the game or navigation. ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game? Maybe the candles could be flickering, more movement in the objects in the background, it’s very flat. Improving where you can walk would also be good, the path wasn’t clear at all. I also don’t know what direction to take and I get lost in the map so I think fixing that and making it more simple would be better. The colours of the obstacle could also be a bit brighter. The skeleton you can walk through but I can’t go through the barrel that’s weird. On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? 7 On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game? 7 USER 3: Tester Name: Muhammad ● Overall, what were your thoughts about the game?

  • TIME: Lasted 45 seconds wandering in rooms but got lost
  • FAILURE: 3 times

I like it, the knockback is frustrating. The base mouse attack needs to have more range/more knockback. More range for faster combat, more knockback for slower. The lava is infuriating – being able to dash across is doesn’t help – it just makes combat boring since you can’t really fight enemies on it and they can just walk over it. ● Were you able to learn how to play quickly? Yup. It doesn’t telegraph everything though. ● What is the objective of the game? To progress through the levels and defeat Odin. ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it? It like if the person who made chips challenge had a mid life crisis. ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting? Probably that enemies have an unforgiving amount of knockback pushthrough, like enemies get knocked back but just keep walking after. ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what? Don’t like that knockback or the lava. DESIGN ● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change? At first thought it was going to procedural. Being able to walk straight to the boss was awesome. The dungeon arenas were so fucking good, the second and fourth levels were genuinely a lot of fun. The lava however being knocked into it was just instant death. Wish the levels were a big bigger however. Became more of a boss run than a dungeon crawler over time.

● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve? I like the level design. The character doesn’t quite fit in with the enemies, he looks a bit too different from the enemy design. ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal? Casual dungeon crawler. ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game? Difficulty puts it at late teens, but the gameplay puts it at like 10 up. CONTROLS/USABILITY ● What did you think about the controls of the game? Controls are good except for dash on capslock. Needs to be either right click or e, preferably right click. Spacebar for attack is pointless however. ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right? Too short, would have loved for the levels to be bigger, most areas you can just run straight to the boss. Except for that lava level, its too long – put the portals next to each other. That lava level would however make an excellent secret bonus level. ● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game? There was dialogue? I saw these boxes pop up weirdly enough. Nah the loki stuff was cool, but just wasn’t in the game for the story. ● Could you find the information you needed on the interface? Yes ● Was there anything about the interface you would change? ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game?

I think dash needs a cooldown and then should have a bar on it, that shows that cooldown. Other than that its fine. On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? The bosses are easy, could have slapped the keyboard with my dick and beaten bosses. The bosses are fine, but the hammer throw just absolutely melts the bosses. The game wasn’t particularly difficult however without spamming q, the game is very frustrating. On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game? 6.5/10 7 on the second and fourth level. More item pickups would make it like an 8/9 stuff like different buffs or daggers to throw that do more damage but is consumed on use. One time use spells would also be fucking sick. Things to Record ● TIME: How long they took to complete the levels ● FAILURE: How many times they failed/were killed and by whether it was a boss/regular enemy ● THINK ALOUD: What they were saying as they went through the levels, including their body language/expression ● How they reacted to the game and the dialogue as well ● Record interview responses as raw data below Level 2: 13 deaths I will not be beaten by lowly peasants with knives Remove/lessen knockback on enemies Found some cheese, spam q and attack and they cant touch you

I cant attack him, hes just staying on the lava what a dick

Would it be possible to make the hammer pull enemies towards you a bit? Hammer Throw does a bit too much dmg, three hammer throws on loki and hes dead but only while hes on the lava. The amount enemies knockback wayy too much and makes it way too difficult to make it through After defeating loki, his summons should die as well instead of hanging around Dash should be on right click as well Level 3: 10 deaths Ah I instadied Health should probably reset between levels since lvl 3 starts you surrounded by The hitbox for the player taking damage from lava should be more forgiving, especially for the bridge level or the bridges should be wider

Textures appear to flicker at the boss fight in level 3 Level 4: 3 deaths Game crashed when pressing q and dash at the same time? Died mid odin cutscene – damage was not paused “Odin is a filthy cheater, why you gotta be lore accurate in that one scene” Random notes: Ended up setting a macro to spam q More dungeon arenas pls

Enemies should probably be stunned for a brief period after being knocked back. Took around an hour or so to finish the game USER 4: Tester Name: Muhammad Game and Play Testing Interview Questions: GAMEPLAY ● Overall, what were your thoughts about the game? It’s not what I would typically play. A few issues but I did want to go and beat the thing that had just beat me. ● Were you able to learn how to play quickly? Yes for the most part ● What is the objective of the game? To get out of wherever the fuck you are and get to Valhalla ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it? A top-down little bit rouglike/rougeish game, a game that’s meant to be like, you gotta work at it – its like dark souls ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting?

Knowing that the lava was touchy, was annoying to find out the lava was touchy after just having managed to beat the boss and then dying on the bridge ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what? I’m a casual gamer, so I wish there was an option to start from the beginning of the level you had just died on instead of right from the beginning. Some glitches with the boss with it going into the lava and not being able to attack it as it goes too far out to be reached even with the ranged throw. DESIGN ● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change? First impression was like, it was a fun time but some jank – obviously like with the old man appearing several times and what not, so it was kinda endearing. Then as the game progressed it got like oh god oh fuck I have to be good at the game? But it did have that draw to keep going ● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve? Visual differences between characters, for example Loki character and main character images in cutscenes are different art styles so theres no continuity between them. Theres a few things on the ground that are unclear as to whether they are traps or just aesthetic on the ground. Otherwise game art is fine. ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal? Being able to go back and beat the thing that just beat you and getting better as you play. ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game?

I don’t think it’s children, like no one under 14, I think a bit of the dialogue would be lost on them. If you’re into this genre of game anyone over 15/16 or so would be kinda into it. CONTROLS/USABILITY ● What did you think about the controls of the game? It would be good if there were multiple options for controls, so I could walk with the arrows keys and do abilities with left. Or WASD and allow for abilities to be used with the right hand. Especially since the mouse doesn’t aim abilities so its pretty much only left handed gameplay. ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right? From what I got through, I think it felt pretty alright. The big lava level was a bigger map so it felt like you had to work a bit more to get through it. The dead ends did kind of of suck through. I do think it fits an attention span well though. ● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game? It feels very cliché, obviously theres only so much you can work withs. The old man dumps the tutorial explanation too quickly. ● Could you find the information you needed on the interface? Was almost never checking the bosses health, since I was constantly checking my own health and trying to not die. So the bosses health could be a bit clearer/closer, especially since it was blended with the lava at times. The audio cue for low health was a thing, but was a bit too loud. ● Was there anything about the interface you would change? I think it’d be nice to have something that encourages you to kill things, so like an xp thing or a counter that tells you how many you’ve killed. Like how many souls you’ve taken before you get to Valhalla or smth. So another way to see progress being made.

Also an indicator of when the teleporter is online or when the boss is low would be so helpful. ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game? On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? It varied each time I went through – I think overall it’d be like a 6 sometimes it was easier, if maybe something glitches sometimes harder if I was frustrated and just wanted to run through it. On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game? Engaging enough that I kept playing it – give it an 8 for interest and such. Things to Record ● TIME: How long they took to complete the levels ● FAILURE: How many times they failed/were killed and by whether it was a boss/regular enemy ● THINK ALOUD: What they were saying as they went through the levels, including their body language/expression ● How they reacted to the game and the dialogue as well ● Record interview responses as raw data below Tutorial: 5 mins Where the fuck is my stamina bar? Why can they attack me from all the way over there? Why are there so many old men?

Level 2: 9 deaths: 22mins Others run deaths 4 Ahhh its loki I want the projectile to go where my mouse is aiming, not the direction im facing. Struggled to know if I have my hammer in hand or not – I thought I was attacking, but I hadn’t yet recalled my hammer Lokis in the lava and I can’t attack him!! I’d love for the controls to be spread out more – currently my left hand is just doing everything Observed: Just spammed hammer throw and didn’t engage with enemies Bad hitboxes for loki lava attack Bosses look too similar to marvel universe characters Damage should be paused after touching a teleporter Level 3: 4 deaths: 25 mins to complete (counting time spent on lvl one having to do that again) Ah, my health didn’t replenish Bridge hitbox is unfair, if the enemies come on and bump me even a little then i die. Can’t even turn to face the enemy to shoot them when theyre off to the side off the bridge since I’ll walk into the lava then Level 4: Another crash first time entering game Did not complete after that. USER 5: Tester Name: Yuxiao Liu

GAMEPLAY ● Overall, what were your thoughts about the game? The design of this game is very novel, and the pixel-style breakthrough mode brings players an immersive experience. The story background of the game is very attractive. ● Were you able to learn how to play quickly? Yes, the overall operation is very simple, allowing players to quickly master it. ● What is the objective of the game? I think it is to enjoy the process of this adventure and finally reach the end. ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it? This game is a pixel-style adventure game, the overall game difficulty is not too high, suitable for some light game players. ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting? Want to know the strength of the equipment or weapons in the game. I want to find equipment or weapons that can help me quickly pass the level as soon as possible. ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what? I think there are too few interactive objects in the game, and some puzzle-solving elements can be added. DESIGN

● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change? The first impression is that this is similar to most adventure games on the market. But the actions of the characters in the game are too rigid and not smooth enough. ● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve? The shape of the protagonist’s weapon can be more refined, and more decorations or special effects can be added. ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal? The background of the game story is very attractive, but the overall experience of the game is dull. You can add side missions to enrich the story of the game. ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game? I think it is suitable for players who like to experience the story of the game but do not pay attention to the difficulty of the game. CONTROLS/USABILITY ● What did you think about the controls of the game? The operation is in line with normal games of the same type, allowing players to quickly master it. ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right? I think the rhythm of the game is just right.

● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game? The design of the dialog box is in line with the game style, and the game dialog is simple and easy to understand. ● Could you find the information you needed on the interface? Yes, I think I have all the necessary information. ● Was there anything about the interface you would change? In my opinion, pixel-style games need a simple design, so I don’t think there is any need to change the interface design. ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game? Can add a small map so that players can quickly find their position on the map, so that players have a better gaming experience. You can also add some items to the map that allow the player to restore blood. ● On a scale of 1-10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? 6 7 Things to Record ● On a scale of 1-10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game?

Tutorial level TIME: 2 minutes and 10 seconds FAILURE: 0 times THINK ALOUD:

  1. After talking to the prisoner, the transition animation started, demonstrating that he defeated Loki.
  2. I saw the prisoner, so I planned to talk to him.
  3. The content of the dialogue taught me how to make it, and the explanation was very detailed.
  4. I try to manipulate the character in the map.
  5. I try to attack the enemy on the map.
  6. I try to use dash in the map.
  7. I try to use weapon skills by pressing the Q key.
  8. I think I have learned the operation method and the teaching is very detailed. USER 6: Tester Name: Yuxiao Liu GAMEPLAY ● Overall, what were your thoughts about the game? I think it's pretty cool and good overall, but still needs some adjustments in the details. The gameplay is more traditional, but it also means that there are not many shortcomings. ● Were you able to learn how to play quickly?

Yes, the tutorial for beginners is very clear. ● What is the objective of the game? Kill all enemies and bosses, and finally reach the end. ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it? The operation of this game is relatively simple, and the content is not very complicated. ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting? I feel that there is so little information available before I start that I don’t know what I’m going to do. ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what? I think I am not clear enough about the purpose of this game, and I am not quite sure about the mission requirements. DESIGN ● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change? My first impression of the game screen is that it is more sophisticated, but with a deeper understanding, I found that it has a lot of inconsistency in many details. For example, the proportions and design styles of some enemies are seriously inconsistent with the overall style of the game, making the overall art style a little abrupt. ● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve?

As mentioned in the previous part, I think that although the overall art style is good, it still needs overall coordination. ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal? I think the appeal of this game is average, because as an experienced gamer, I have played a lot of games, and this game can only be said to be ordinary in my gaming experience. ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game? I think it is very suitable for some players with less experience in the game, because it is not very difficult to operate. However, I think it is not suitable for some players who are more impetuous or poor in English, because its mission guidance is not It is clear that all plots and mission objectives are conducted in dialogue between the characters. CONTROLS/USABILITY ● What did you think about the controls of the game? I think it's very simple and easy to understand. ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right? I think from the perspective of rhythm, it has a strong sense of division. This is mainly because the map is too empty, but the content of the battle is too little, which leads to aimless movement on the map most of the time. ● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game? I think the content of the dialogue is acceptable but the form is too monotonous, the presence is not strong, and the user does not know whether to continue the dialogue.

● Could you find the information you needed on the interface? I think the operation prompt can be displayed on the interface, and the current status can also be displayed. For example, I don't know the specific effect of pressing the Q key, which can also be displayed on the interface. ● Was there anything about the interface you would change? I think more useful information can be added to the interface. ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game? I think a functional interface can be added to view the game’s task prompts. ● On a scale of 1-10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? 8 6 Things to Record Tutorial level TIME: One minute and 55 seconds FAILURE: 0 times THINK ALOUD: ● On a scale of 1-10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game?

  1. I think it can be controlled with the arrow keys, but it doesn't work. 2. Then I try to control with WASD, and it succeeded!
  2. I saw the transition animation play automatically and killed a Loki. 4. I am talking to prisoners.
  3. From the content of the dialogue, I learned various ways to operate the game.
  4. After the end, I started to explore the map, but it is not easy for me to know my specific location, so I hope to design a small map to show my specific location.
  5. I think I have completed this level. User 7: Tester Name: Muhammad Game and Play Testing Interview Questions: GAMEPLAY ● Overall, what were your thoughts about the game? It feels like its, in terms of a game its got a long way to go. I can see that it has some ideas behind it, but the mechanics need a lot of work. It feels like its going for a kinda brawler feel and make the melee actually viable to use. Fuck the lava, change how the hitboxes work with the lava. ● Were you able to learn how to play quickly? Yeah, the controls are easy enough, though I did miss the q and alt. I did learn but just experimenting and finding “features” ● What is the objective of the game?

Not entirely sure, sounds like the warrior character just wants to fight, he’s some Valhalla warrior and for some reason loki is trying to stop us. ● How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it? It’s a uhh kinda like a top down hack and slash, but where you spend a lot of your time throwing you hammer and dying in lava. ● Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting? Not really sure. ● Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what? Lava was a bit confusing, the way the melee worked, I wanted to try the melee but it just wasn’t viable. There was not way to block or defend and the enemies just hit you. The loki fight where if you leave it too long to start loki will have too many clones and they will all use the lava ability. DESIGN ● What was your first impression of the game and how did it change? My first impression was 8 bit top down game – and also well that’s MCU Asgard from the title screen. And as I was went through I was just like – yeah that sure it something. ● What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve? I’d like more consistent art work and I think the environment could use some work, its not very interesting to look at. The tiling is just bland, like the wood texture looks like its been taken of google. ● Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal? It’s a fun little demo test thing, but its not something I’d really find myself playing. ● Who do you think is the target audience for this game?

Looks like its for people who like top down hack and slashes and people who are familiar with the MCU. CONTROLS/USABILITY ● What did you think about the controls of the game? Quite clunky, I didn’t use the caplocks dash at all. I also forgot about shift. Ditch sprint, put dash on shift instead. Right click is throw and put aeo on space. Hammer throw should go in vaguely the direction of the mouse. ● What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right? Very not good. It was very fast, story is not very well explained – just kinda go through the game fight some Vikings then loki then do that again and then go to the next level and the game crashes. ● What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game? I guess, it was the only thing that set a tone story wise. The rest of the game was just like yep, in a hot room and just hitting stuff. ● Could you find the information you needed on the interface? ● Was there anything about the interface you would change? I think I would get rid of the loki health bar when im not fighting loki. And I’d also have a prompt somewhere I could click where I could get an overview of the game and it’s controls. ● Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game? On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses? As a game, I’d say it’s a 3 and the bosses are a 4. They’re not really difficult its just tedious.

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game? 3 Things to Record ● TIME: How long they took to complete the levels ● FAILURE: How many times they failed/were killed and by whether it was a boss/regular enemy ● THINK ALOUD: What they were saying as they went through the levels, including their body language/expression ● How they reacted to the game and the dialogue as well ● Record interview responses as raw data below Tutorial: Time taken 2:34 Dash being on caps lock is little weird Level 2: Time taken 8:36 - Deaths: 2 to beat level once 3 Was playing using mostly the ranged attack Why can’t I go down? Oh that table is blocking me Animation getting paused after using hammer recall Okay so going melee isn’t really an option since if you get close they’ll just kill you So I’m trying to do different strategies but it seems as though its really only viable to do the ranged attack I’d like if it they die by my hammer throw, if they were to be knocked back a little at the same time Level 3: Time taken: 16:16 Deaths: 3 to beat level once Maybe a defence ability as well? Ah fuck – (in regards to the bridges) – I’m definitely gonna say that needs some work

I think one nice gameplay feature would be if the hammer auto recalled at the end of its range Are they not going to remove the health bars after the boss is defeated? Level 4: Times taken to get back: 9:52 Time taken: Deaths: Game crashed when first pressing alt in level 4 Alt crashes game again Level test: 1 Time taken: 1:27

Table of Contents


Design Document

Design Document

Design Document

Game Engine

Getting Started

Entities and Components

Item Drops from Entities

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Map Generation

Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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