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Roadmap Meeting January24 2014 2pm AST

Peter Murray edited this page Jan 28, 2014 · 14 revisions
  • Chair: Paul Pound
  • Note taking: Nick Ruest


  • Attending: Greg Colati, Nick Ruest, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Mark Leggot, Donald Moses, Paul Pound, Douglas Neary, Melissa Anez, David Wilcox
  • Apologies: Peter Murray

Old Business

  • New software: Nick's Checksum (passed LSAP. Time to fork?)

  • 7.x-1.3 release

  • Duraspace accounts issue

    • It's an anti-spambot measure. New accounts can be requested.

Melissa Anez provided an update. Confluence/Jira accounts are disabled until Duraspace sorts out the spam issue.

Action: Melissa Anez to sent a message to the list about this issue.

New Business

  • New CLAs

    • Mark Jordan (BagIt, PREMIS, Checksum Checker)
    • cCLA from LYRASIS
  • New software offers:

  • Drupal 6 Islandora - End of life?

    • Action: Melisa Anez to draft a statement regarding Islandora 6 end of life by next roadmap call.
  • Windows support

    • Nick Ruest gave an update on the Windows support pull requests
    • We have no way to fully test in the Windows environment
    • Action: Nick Ruest to work with community on merging the current pull requests that pass all Travis tests
    • Action: Nick Ruest to draft statement regarding Windows support by the next roadmap call.
  • Community input/reporting w/r/t to this group

    • Action: Kirsta Stapelfeldt to draft message for the community to introduce/re-introduce the roadmap committee, let folks know where to find the agendas and minutes, and ask for agenda items in the future.
  • Islandora Camp Updates

    • CA
      • went great!
      • Budget neutral!!!!
      • The hackfest afternoon kinda work - will possible revisit it at the GTA camp
    • UK
      • May 7-9, 2014 at the Strand Campus (Big thanks to King's College and Fresh Water Biological Association)
      • Next planning call: immediately following this call!
      • Admin track: Donald Moses (lead), Kirsta Stapelfeldt
      • Developer track: Alan Stanley (lead), Nick Ruest
    • GTA
      • Organizing committee: Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Nick Ruest
      • Next planning call: January 29, 2014
      • Admin track: Kirsta Stapelfeldt (lead)
      • Developer track: Nick Ruest (lead)
    • CO
      • Fall 2014
      • Not firmed up yet.
    • Boston and/or Washington D.C.
      • Fall/winter 2014 (maybe)

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