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Coordinating Meeting March 30th 2018 11:30 am AST

David Keiser-Clark edited this page Mar 30, 2018 · 9 revisions
  • Chair: Jonathan Green
  • Notes: David Keiser-Clark

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Jonathan Green, Bryan Brown, Diego Pino, Aaron Choate, Jordan Fields, David Keiser-Clark


Old Business

New Business

Islandora Release notes: Diego Pino, co-release manager, reports:

  • Janice Banter from SFU was auditing manager and reported yesterday that everything is done.
  • Diego clarified that the Code Freeze for new release will be next Wed (April 4), not today.
  • Diego wants to thank all of us as most of us are involved in Code Rlease and have exceeded expectations.

Interest Group Updates


  • Most of the current work is going into migration work right now (and that may be being driven by the developers working on CLAW right now)

Islandora Camps

  • no new news to share

Round Table

Diego reports on having attended the LDCX Conference at Stanford University:

  • Mark Jordan and Diego Pino were the only Islandora representatives (many many Samvera and bepress). Had opportunity to share about Islandora.
  • Realized that everything within 7x is way, way beyond where Samvera is (and it will take Samvera a LONG time to catch up to Islandora 7x).
  • Examples include the broad assortment of content models and the way that we implement solr search. A lot of positive interaction with Samvera community.
  • Fedora 4 discussion (LCDX) included that there is a lot of similar implementations that appear like Fedora 4, but are not Fedora 4.
  • Fedora 5 (and soon to be Fedora 6) changes were discussed. Duraspace reached out to discussed what CLAW needs in terms of Fedora 4.
  • Wonderful to share needs and use cases with a very open community and many opportunities to collaborate in the coming future
  • Discussion of serverless systems to deploy and show cases. Terraform was one of the most interesting. Catmandu - the data processing toolkit is a utility tool that enables you to move from ANY to ANY metadata. Extremely well-written and easy to use. Could be incredibly useful.
  • We need more Islandora representation. Super important. Islandora needs to be in more places showing what we are doing.

Aaron Choate reports:

  • UT Libraries have their DAMS in Islandora in pre-release internally and will be pushing to using it in production in the summer.
  • Will be shifting one staff member (Minnie Rangel) to working on the Latin American Documentation Initiative which we hope to use CLAW on. We should see her start joining developer calls soon if she hasn’t already done so.
  • I have one more year on the Fedora steering committee if you have anything you would like me to press on there. (though David and Andrew have always proven open to input in my experience)

Bryan Brown reports:

  • Bryan reports that he's been registering for conferences:
  • Open Repositories 2018 with Flavenzio and Rachel Smart
  • SMIRC at Southern Mississippi, to give talks about leverging repositories for IR. bepress heavy conference (April 26-27).
    • Many folks who are deep into bepress and who want to learn more about Islandora

Jonathan Green

  • nothing new to report

Jordan Fields

  • nothing new to report

David Keiser-Clark

  • nothing new to report

Next meeting April 13th:

  • Chair: David Keiser-Clark (Chair starts Skype call)
  • Notes: Aaron Choate

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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