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Roadmap Meeting April 17 2015 2pm AST

David Wilcox edited this page Apr 17, 2015 · 3 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa
  • Notetaker: David

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: David, Nick, Melissa, Jen, Donald, Gabriella, Mark C, Nigel
  • Apologies: Kirsta, Stephen, Paul, Mark L

Old Business

Interest Groups

  • Preservation Interest Group (Donald/Nick)

    • People should join the Hydra metadata interest group and associated working groups
      • Mapping FITS elements to RDF in technical metadata working group
    • Mark Jordan has written a chapter on PREMIS in Islandora. Should be released soon.
  • Archival Interest group (Melissa)

    • Melanie Hardbattle from SFU will join and convene group
    • Good post in Google Groups about EAD in Islandora
  • Fedora 4 Interest Group (Nick)

    • Meeting on Friday, April 24
    • Lots of updates
    • Focus on migration-utils
      • Generic, CLI migration utility
    • Identifying audit events and mapping to new audit service in F4
    • Investigating how to edit XML in Islandora 2.0
    • Danny has documented services
    • Working to make sure everything is PCDM compliant
  • GIS Interest Group (Donald)

    • Last meeting cancelled. Nothing to report
  • Documentation Interest Group (Melissa)

    • Focusing on release docs
    • Docs rewritten for installing the VM
    • Nick working on release notes - nearly done.
      • Will specifically mention community contributors
  • Dev Ops Interest Group

    • Needs regular reporter. Volunteers?
    • Met for the first time
    • Added new deployments to the deployments repo
    • Working on installation docs for Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, CentOS systems
    • Working on deployment tools
    • Working on islandora-vagrant
  • Metadata Interest Group

    • 56 responses to survey
    • Created Google Doc for the group
    • Putting together terms of reference
    • Would be good to host discussions on the mailing list

Islandora Camp updates

  • iCampEU2

    • No budget issues
    • Melissa, Nick, Alan, and Luis will all be instructors
  • Islandora Conference

    • Plotting out workshops based on community survey
      • 8 workshops in each track
      • Need to contact experts to see if they want to run the workshops
    • Everything looks good
  • iCampCT

    • Days and space have been allocated
    • Have not started organizing yet
    • How to sponsor t-shirts, etc.?
  • 2016 camps

    • Camps in Florida, Kansas City, and Ireland scheduled for 2016

Release Update

  • No major issues
  • 2 weeks away from the release
  • Release candidate VM was updated with disk image SP dependencies
    • dgi basic Solr configs now being used


  • New CLAS from Melissa Anez (thanks for noticing, Nick!) and University of Manitoba (covering Jared Whiklo's contributions).

  • Message to the community

    • Next time...
    • Will wait until after the release to send this out

New Business

  • Update from the Board of Directors (met on April 7th)

  • UI Solutions Pack - discussion on the listserv. Can we support this effort?

    • Should not be called a solution pack
    • Should be supported
      • Need a group (temporary?) to do a comprehensive UI review
      • Create improvement tickets


  • David
    • Fedora IG at OR2015 will feature both Islandora and Hydra tracks, though most presentations will be in a single track
  • Donald
    • In the midst of a big VRE migration (D6 to D7)
    • Bowing Down Home launched with kitchen parties across the Island
  • Gabriella
    • Starting a dark archive based on Islandora
  • Jen
    • Just passed 200,000 digital assets in repository
    • Growing at 2-3% per week
    • Big storage upgrade (6TB to 25TB)
    • 14TB of maps and GIS data coming in
  • Mark C
    • May be able to get involved with DevOps interest group
  • Nigel
    • Solr can now drive collection views
    • Update to embargoes
  • Nick
    • Spent some time doing sanity tests for Java 8
      • Current stack seems to work fine with Java 8
    • Had to update to Fedora 3.8.1 to address a bug in 3.8.0 with exports

Closing Remarks

Next meeting: May 1st Chair: Jen Notes: Donald

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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