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Coordinating Meeting May 22 2020 11:30 am AST

jrubin6 edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Chair: Wilhelmina Randtke
  • Notes: Jeff Rubin

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)

    • MIG met on Monday, Victoria Day. Focused on questions between co-conveners and MIG
    • Transform dates from
    • Link to good tools for date transforms in notes
    • tools for getting xml to a flat file and then to mods
    • CLAW MIG MODS simplified mapping
    • Example MODS for CLAW mapping
    • Draft Recommendations
    • Feedback on Mapping from ICG, Part 2
    • NEW - Wants/Needs/Questions Open Document
    • New sprints (community) for MIG proposed by Tillay (Danny on board in encouraging that)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)

Danny - wants Islandora to push this doc and possibly market/package Islandora versions (IR, basic, specialized)

Michael brought up a good point of the many versions of Islandora and whether we are creating confusing silos of product choices. (DGI, Islandora, ICG, etc.) Relationship with DGI is improving

  • ISLE Interest Group (Martha or Gavin)
  • ISLE 1.5 release next week
  • ISLE 8 - ISLE build kit - Danny-talented, high output devs have joined the project. Making great progress and evolving excellently. Changes can be implemented by devs live. Build kit shaves considerable dev/testing time. Build will be completely automated. Once features are finalized, the process becomes a game changer for devs. "Friggin' awesome" - from chat "it's friggin' awesome
that's how you describe it
  • Gavin gave an explanation of the ISLE Build Kit - fully customizable builds for users
  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)
  • Not much to report. Brandon did not have an update on Bryan Brown's work

Islandora 8

Islandora Camps

  • Online - CFP is out, starting to come in. Looking for more proposals, various forms
  • Month of July - one per week? Not the same 4 hour period to accommodate int’l users
  • Best day of the week to hold these? Melissa suggests Tuesday. MA will put together a schedule for Tuesdays in July

Round Table

  • Martha - prob her last meeting as ICG rep. Amy ? from Whitman will take her place
  • Janice
  • Gavin - will wear the green shirt again :)
  • Michael - no update except open mtg for CDT convener mtg
  • J Green - putting together a pilot for Islandora 8. Working with Nigel Banks
  • Rosie - MIG work, getting more people in. UPEI will be doing some Islandora 8 projects
  • Don - nothing new
  • Aaron - nothing new
  • Brandon - combating bots and DoS attacks
  • Jeff - nothing new
  • Wilhelmina - search for new platform continues in Fl. Committees being formed.

Next meeting June 5

  • Chair: Jeff Rubin
  • Notes: Brandon Weigel


⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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