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Coordinating Meeting September 25 2020 11:30 am AST

Daniel Aitken edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 9 revisions
  • Chair: Melissa Anez
  • Notes: Dan Aitken

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: ** Melissa Anez ** Dan Aitken ** David Wilcox ** Amy Blau ** Mirko Hanke ** Danny Lamb ** Janice Banser ** Dara Virks ** Rosie LeFaive ** Jeffery Rubin ** David Kwasny ** Bryan Brown ** Brandon Weigel


Old Business

New Business

  • New Committers: Alexander O'Neill, Bryan Brown, Debbie Flitner ** The existing committers have been notified that the committer pool is ripe for expansion.

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)

Met Monday; still trying to find new people to co-coordinate the committee. Discussions this week regarding how folks are using technical metadata (search, indexing, display)

  • IR interest group (Bryan)

Met on the 17th ( Went over the survey list; embargoes are ranked high so looking at pushing that forward.

  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)

Met on the 9th; biggest update is a new minor release of ISLE 7 last week (

  • Multi-tenancy Interest Group (Brandon)

No news this week; may be looking for a new co-convener.

  • Documentation Interest Group (Jeff, Melissa, or Mirko)

Now newly convening. Will have more to report when it has convened. Currently looking for folks to join in.

Islandora 8

  • Survey -> Roadmap

Survey results have been parsed and published. From the results, a technical roadmap is planned to be created (e.g., when to drop 7, where different features are to exist, etc.). The roadmap needs to be approved by the TAG.

Some features needed: documentation, IR functionality. The relevant interest groups will be discussed with to determine goals for these.

  • Sprints

Need to be generated from the survey results.

  • Islandora Object Typification

Ongoing discussion regarding this; 'in Fedora' is no longer the standard for whether something is part of your repository, so there has to be some other way to determine if something is 'part of the repository'. Proposal: aggregate 'in the repository' type by allowing you to check off content types that are 'part of the repository'. More discussion is needed regarding this, particularly from the users group.

  • Users Call

Starting to gain steam. Going to make use of this group to determine typification. Rosie: users don't see necessarily any more how their actions on the site are working with "the repository", so explicitly opting content types in is useful to resolve this. Ensuring that users don't have to be Drupal professionals to ensure things are in "the repository" is paramount.

Islandora Events

  • ISLE Release party - and possible future open meeting events?

Well attended; virtual group has been useful for group troubleshooting and assistance in upgrades. Looking for ideas of similar groups we could convene in this fashion. Amy: migration or i8 sandbox tips and tricks. Convening such a group could also help expose where use case documentation is currently lacking. Danny: While we're looking at migrations, look at Nigel's new migration tool from Lyrasis

Round Table

Listing N/A for nothing new to report.

Amy: Not much new to report from ICG; release party happened, group governance structure still being determined

Brandon: N/A

Dan: Updates from the IR stuff; release incoming, currently being collated.

Dara: Working on I8 theme remediation currently. Putting together an I8 sandbox to test this out.

David K: N/A

David W: Migration grant kicked off, starting work on migration piece, hoping by next month there are updates.

Janice: N/A

Jeff: Final stages of cleaning up an ISLE 7 instances, hoping it goes live by Oct. 7 DIG meeting.

Mirko: N/A

Rosie: Alex is working on extracting RDM components so they are decoupled from the RDM content type and can be reused by other content types. Also, ran a 6 to 7 migration (

Melissa: Hoping to report a new member soon

Next meeting Oct 9

  • Chair: Dan Aitken
  • Notes: Janice Banser

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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