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Run Model from R

amc1999 edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 9 revisions

OpenM++ integration with R

It is a convenient to use GNU R to prepare model parameters and analyze output values. There are two different R APIs which we can use for openM++ models:

  • openMpp package: simple and convenient specially for desktop users, upstream and downstream analysis;
  • oms JSON web-service API: preferable choice to run models on computational clusters and in cloud.

Below is a simple loop example to run NewCaseBased model on desktop using openMpp R package. There is similar example how to run model in cloud and save results in CSV file using oms JSON web-service.

OpenM++ provides R package openMpp to simplify access to openM++ database for R developers. To find out more about openMpp R package please check:

There is also an excelent R package created by Matthew T. Warkentin available at:

Following R example is running openM++ "NewCaseBased" test model with 16 subsamples using mortality hazard data:

mortalityData <- data.frame( 
  value = seq(from = 0.014, by = 0.005, length.out = 20)

As result Mortality Hazard increases about eight times in the range of [0.014, 0.109] and we can see eight time decrease of Duration of Life from initial 72 years down to 9 years.

OpenM++ Model Run from R

R script

# use openMpp library for openM++ database access

# R integration example using NewCaseBased model
#   loop over MortalityHazard parameter 
#   to analyze DurationOfLife

# To run this example please uncomment and/or change values below
# to match your hardware and file system environment:
# model_exe    <- path to the model executable, i.e.: "./NewCaseBased" or "NewCaseBased.exe"
# model_sqlite <- path to the model.sqlite database:  "NewCaseBased.sqlite"
# model_args   <- optional arguments to control model run, for example:
#       -OpenM.SubValues 16 <- number of simation members
#       -OpenM.Threads 4    <- number of computatinal threads
### For running on a local machine using the working directory in R 
# For the following values to work, you must first set the R Working directory
# to the directory containing the NewCaseBased executable and the SQLite database.
# In RStudio Session > Set Working Directory > Choose Directory, 
# then navigate to location, e.g.: /OM_ROOT/models/NewCaseBased/ompp/bin
# Alternatively, one may use setwd(), e.g.: setwd("/OM_ROOT/models/NewCaseBased/ompp/bin")
model_exe = "./NewCaseBased"
model_sqlite = "NewCaseBased.sqlite"
model_args = " -OpenM.SubValues 16 -OpenM.Threads 4" 
# model_args = " "  # default: 1 simulation member and 1 thread
### For running on a local machine using explicit paths
# model_exe = "/path/to/executable/model/NewCaseBased"
# model_sqlite = "/path/to/SQLite/database/NewCaseBased.sqlite"
### For running on cluster (change to match your cluster)
# model_exe = "mpiexec"
# model_sqlite = "/mirror/NewCaseBased.sqlite"
# model_args = "-n 8 /mirror/NewCaseBased -OpenM.SubValues 16 -OpenM.Threads 2"

# NewCaseBased model parameters:
#   Mortality hazard: double number
#   Simulation cases: number of simulation cases
#   Simulation seed:  random seed
MortalityHazard <- list(
  name = "MortalityHazard",   # model parameter name
  value = 0.014,              # value of parameter
  txt = data.frame(
    lang = c("EN", "FR"),
    note = c("An arbitrarily selected value, chosen to produce a life expectancy of about 70 years", NA),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

SimulationCases <- list(name = "SimulationCases", value = 5000L)
SimulationSeed <- list(name = "SimulationSeed", value = 16807)

# name, description and notes for this set of model parameters
inputSet <- data.frame(
  name = "LifeVsMortality",
  lang = c("EN", "FR"),
  descr = c("NewCaseBased working set of parameters", "(FR) NewCaseBased working set of parameters"),
  note = c(NA, NA),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# connect to database and find NewCaseBased model
theDb <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), model_sqlite, synchronous = "full")
invisible(dbGetQuery(theDb, "PRAGMA busy_timeout = 86400"))   # recommended

defRs <- getModel(theDb, "NewCaseBased")      # find NewCaseBased model in database

# create new working set of model parameters based on existing model run results
firstRunId <- getFirstRunId(theDb, defRs)

setId <- createWorksetBasedOnRun(
  theDb, defRs, firstRunId, inputSet, 
  MortalityHazard, SimulationCases, SimulationSeed
if (setId <= 0L) stop("workset creation failed")

setReadonlyWorkset(theDb, defRs, TRUE, setId)  # workset must be read-only to run the model

# analyze NewCaseBased model varying mortality hazard values
mortalityData <- data.frame( 
  value = seq(from = 0.014, by = 0.005, length.out = 20)

for (mortality in mortalityData$value)
  print(c("Mortality hazard: ", mortality))

      " -Parameter.MortalityHazard ", mortality,
      " -OpenM.SetId ", setId, 
      " -OpenM.LogToConsole false",
      " -OpenM.LogToFile true",
      " -OpenM.ProgressPercent 100",
      sep = ""

# read final results from database
#   average duration of life: DurationOfLife.Expr3
runIdRs <- getWorksetRunIds(theDb, setId)   # get result id's

lifeDurationData <- NULL
for (runId in runIdRs$run_id)
  lifeDurationData <- rbind(
    selectRunOutputValue(theDb, defRs, runId, "DurationOfLife", "Expr3")

dbDisconnect(theDb)   # close database connection

# display the results
  type = "o",
  xlab = "Mortality Hazard", 
  ylab = "Duration of Life", 
  col = "red"


Getting Started

Model development in OpenM++

Using OpenM++

Model Development Topics

OpenM++ web-service: API and cloud setup

Using OpenM++ from Python and R


OpenM++ Development

OpenM++ Design, Roadmap and Status

OpenM++ web-service API

GET Model Metadata

GET Model Extras

GET Model Run results metadata

GET Model Workset metadata: set of input parameters

Read Parameters, Output Tables or Microdata values

GET Parameters, Output Tables or Microdata values

GET Parameters, Output Tables or Microdata as CSV

GET Modeling Task metadata and task run history

Update Model Profile: set of key-value options

Update Model Workset: set of input parameters

Update Model Runs

Update Modeling Tasks

Run Models: run models and monitor progress

Download model, model run results or input parameters

Upload model runs or worksets (input scenarios)

Download and upload user files

User: manage user settings

Model run jobs and service state

Administrative: manage web-service state

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