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Working Session 4 14 2022

samanthashain edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Present: Sam (recording), Jess, Katy, Paul

Goal: Create a more realistic snowfakery recipe for pmm Revised goal: Create a snowfakery recipe that builds on existing Programs and Services in a pmm org

We decided that Programs and Services should be created separately from Contacts, Program Engagements, and other junction records in PMM

  1. Run mini recipe to make Programs and Services
  2. Create Programs and Services in the UI
  3. Extract Programs and Services from Production org
  4. Keep Programs and Services from the static data set in the PMM install_prod flow

Are we using Service Sessions? Service Cohorts?

  • Service Sessions are higher priority bc they are required for the popular attendance feature
  • This is a future enhancement

Should we have recipes that are modular or should we cover as many objects/use cases as possible?

  • We prefer One Recipe To Rule Them All
  • We reserve the right to change our mind later (LOL)

We compared our goal to the Recipes Types (WIP) file and decided we are operating in the 1st domain (educational recipe)

Step 0: Data exists in target org Step 1: Extract data from target org using Plugin and Query Step 2: Create recipe Step 3: When running recipe locally, use special command that includes the necessary plug-in

We are allowing the recipe to pull down records from the org. We think this will be valuable for the following use cases:

  • EDA: University departments
  • NPSP: GAUs
  • NPSP: Campaign hierarchy
  • PMM: Programs and Services
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