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Waste Management

William Wood edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 8 revisions

How do I dispose of waste?

We are generally responsible for emptying our trash in the NAF rooms. The dumpster is outside the back door near the Barker Storeroom. The code is 12354. See below for ordering pickup of hazardous waste.

AAV experiments

Virus Specific Page Here

We do not have to autoclave any waste (including that generated from experiments involving AAV) in our lab. Trash goes into the dumpsters near the Barker Storeroom. There are recycling bins there as well. There are also trash and recycling bins on the 1st floor of LKS that you should have a key to if those are more convenient.


Sharps go into the red sharps containers. When these containers are "full" (~80%) they can be left in the refrigerated biohazard room on the ground floor of NAF, the door code is 123456. Alternatively, you can log in to the EH&S website and schedule a pickup, follow instructions here:

To order more sharps containers contact EH&S (?)

Spill Kits

Biological spill kits are provided to us buy EH&S, free of charge. We keep ours in 123D. More information here:

Ordering Pickup of Chemical Waste

If we have hazardous chemicals that need to be picked up (say a bottle of 20 year old formalin, for instance), Log in to the EH&S website Hazardous Waste Program to schedule a pickup: The proper order of operations is: 1- As soon as you start a waste container (say PFA) you enter it into the EHS system and print out a label and affix it to the container, which makes it look all spiffy. 2- When the container gets 80% full or has been around for a year you log back into the EHS system and schedule pickup.

  • In practice I often do both of these steps at the same time...

Fixative Waste (Formalin/paraformaldehyde)

This is fairly annoying, and is covered on it's own page, Fixatives



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