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steakunderscore edited this page Oct 16, 2011 · 1 revision

##Differences from other boards

  • Header for inductance sensor


To a large extent this board is for future use. Currently its sole job is to take pulse input from the inductance sensor, then average the pulses per unit time to get the speed. In the future this board should be used as a generic sensor board. This may include shifting its location to a more suitable location to collect data. For example, of the top of the kart.

##Code implemented on the board

Currently a client on the CAN bus that is able to have the karts speed requested from it. This includes using a timer counter to average the pulses to calculate the speed.

###Interrupts To measure how long it has been since the last pulse an interrupt is triggered each pulse calls interrupt. At each interrupt, the ticks in the timer is recorded and the timer is cleared.

###Calibration This board currently does not require any calibration.