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Guidance for spelling of notation

Igor Zahumensky edited this page May 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

Guidance for spelling of notation (for new elements)

Notations must be unique within a table regardless of capitalization. Even though an application (such as OSCAR/Surface) using these terms should not consider the capitalization of the notation, for human-readability, there should be consistent spelling. These rules should be followed:

  • Abbreviations use upper-case letters, also in the case where several abbreviations are concatenated.
  • Names that are recognized as English words are spelled in lower-case.
  • Upper/lower-case spelling that is in common use or a community term is preserved.
  • Country names or other geographical names are spelled in title case (first letter capitalized, all others small-caps)


  1. "Upper/lower-case spelling that is in common use or a community term is preserved" is important where common usage is contrary to the other rules, as with CryoNet.


  • GAW (not gaw), an accronym
  • GAWcontributing (not gawContributing), an accronym concatenated with a word
  • GAWABOS (not GAWabos), both are accronyms
  • GCWCryoNet, GCW is an accronym, CryoNet a community term
  • ARGORussia (not argoRussia)
  • ARGOMEXCOUS (not argoMexCoUS), concatenation of accronyms
  • TAOPirata (not taoPirata), accronym concatenated with geographical name
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