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Changing Codetables

Anna Milan edited this page Nov 17, 2021 · 3 revisions

Note: Everyone can suggest changes to the codelist. If you want to suggest a change make sure you study the instructions here in the wiki in detail.

Important: Create an issue for each required change or each small problem! Split up big problems into small pieces, so they become manageable. This greatly increases the chance for an issue to be addressed quickly. Use the template presented for new issues for guidance.

  1. Choose a meaningful title and explain the problem and the rationale for your suggestion. If your issue addresses a specific code table, prefix the title with the x-y-z number of the table.

  2. Make a proposition how the problem can be solved and discuss it with the team on the issue-page here in GitHub.

  3. Add one or more appropriate label(s).

  4. Once a solution is determined, a member of the TT-WIGOSMD or the WMO Secretariat will create a branch to implement the solution and add the URL to this branch in the original issue request box. Branches should be named 'issue#', where # is the issue number. Make the changes on the branch and commit them with a comment summarising what you did. Copy the commit number into the issue completed with a short explanation.

Important: Check the encoding of the CSV before you commit it. We only work with CSV in UTF-8.

For more details on branch management and repository workflow, see wmo-im guidance.

Related pages:

(Outdated, needs revision) You can find detailed instructions how to change a table here.ow to change a table here.

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