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IsaacShelton edited this page Nov 13, 2022 · 5 revisions


glfw/glfw.adept is a wrapper for GLFW for Windows, x86_64 MacOS, and x86_64 GNU-Linux.


struct GLFWvidmode (width, height, redBits, greenBits, blueBits, refreshRate int)

struct GLFWgammaramp (red, green, blue *ushort, size uint)

struct GLFWimage (width, height int, pixels *ubyte)

struct GLFWwindow ()
struct GLFWcursor ()
struct GLFWmonitor ()
struct GLFWglproc ()

Type Aliases

alias GLFWglproc = ptr


define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_2 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_3 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_4 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_5 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_6 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_7 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_8 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_1 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_2 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_3 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_4 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_5 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_6 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_7 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_8 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_9 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_10 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_11 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_12 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_13 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_14 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_15 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_16 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_EQUAL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F10 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F12 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F13 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F14 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F15 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F16 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F17 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F18 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F19 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_HRESIZE_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_HAND_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_DELETE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F20 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F21 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F22 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F23 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F24 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP = /* ??? */
define GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_MENU = /* ??? */
define GLFW_EGL_CONTEXT_API = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CLIENT_API = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_BLUE_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_0 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_1 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_2 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_3 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_5 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_6 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_7 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_8 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_9 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_A = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_B = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_C = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_D = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_E = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_G = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_H = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_I = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_J = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_K = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_L = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_M = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_N = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_O = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_Q = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_R = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_S = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_T = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_V = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_W = /* ??? */
define GLFW_STICKY_KEYS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LAST = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ANY_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_WORLD_2 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_SPACE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_DONT_CARE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_DISCONNECTED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_FOCUSED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_AUX_BUFFERS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_DEPTH_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F11 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN = /* ??? */
define GLFW_TRUE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_VERSION_MINOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_COMMA = /* ??? */
define GLFW_JOYSTICK_LAST = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OUT_OF_MEMORY = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_INSERT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F25 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_NO_ROBUSTNESS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOD_ALT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_VISIBLE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_RIGHT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_PERIOD = /* ??? */
define GLFW_FALSE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_1 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_2 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_3 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_5 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_6 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_7 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_8 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_9 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_STICKY_MOUSE_BUTTONS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OPENGL_API = /* ??? */
define GLFW_AUTO_ICONIFY = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_Z = /* ??? */
define GLFW_STENCIL_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CROSSHAIR_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_NO_CURRENT_CONTEXT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_NATIVE_CONTEXT_API = /* ??? */
define GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_4 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_0 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD = /* ??? */
define GLFW_FLOATING = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CONTEXT_ROBUSTNESS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_P = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_U = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_X = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_Y = /* ??? */
define GLFW_DECORATED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MAXIMIZED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ARROW_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_PAUSE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_DOUBLEBUFFER = /* ??? */
define GLFW_STEREO = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_4 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_DOWN = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F1 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F2 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F3 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F4 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F5 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F6 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F7 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F8 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_F9 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER = /* ??? */
define GLFW_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_WORLD_1 = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LEFT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_RESIZABLE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_ENTER = /* ??? */
define GLFW_VRESIZE_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_VERSION_REVISION = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_UP = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOD_CONTROL = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CONTEXT_NO_ERROR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_MINUS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOD_SUPER = /* ??? */
define GLFW_NO_API = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CONNECTED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_GREEN_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_SLASH = /* ??? */
define GLFW_SAMPLES = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CONTEXT_REVISION = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_IBEAM_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_REFRESH_RATE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_PRESS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ALPHA_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK = /* ??? */
define GLFW_INVALID_VALUE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ICONIFIED = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_END = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN = /* ??? */
define GLFW_MOD_SHIFT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_RELEASE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_NUM_LOCK = /* ??? */
define GLFW_INVALID_ENUM = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_TAB = /* ??? */
define GLFW_ACCUM_RED_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_RED_BITS = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CURSOR = /* ??? */
define GLFW_REPEAT = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK = /* ??? */
define GLFW_CONTEXT_CREATION_API = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_HOME = /* ??? */
define GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET = /* ??? */
define GLFW_OPENGL_ES_API = /* ??? */


  • foreign glfwInit() int
  • foreign glfwTerminate() void
  • foreign glfwGetVersion(*int, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwGetVersionString() *ubyte
  • foreign glfwSetErrorCallback(ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwGetMonitors(*int) **GLFWmonitor
  • foreign glfwGetPrimaryMonitor() *GLFWmonitor
  • foreign glfwGetMonitorPos(*GLFWmonitor, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize(*GLFWmonitor, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwGetMonitorName(*GLFWmonitor) *ubyte
  • foreign glfwSetMonitorCallback(ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwGetVideoModes(*GLFWmonitor, *int) *GLFWvidmode
  • foreign glfwGetVideoMode(*GLFWmonitor) *GLFWvidmode
  • foreign glfwSetGamma(*GLFWmonitor, float) void
  • foreign glfwGetGammaRamp(*GLFWmonitor) *GLFWgammaramp
  • foreign glfwSetGammaRamp(*GLFWmonitor, *GLFWgammaramp) void
  • foreign glfwDefaultWindowHints() void
  • foreign glfwWindowHint(int, int) void
  • foreign glfwCreateWindow(int, int, *ubyte, *GLFWmonitor, *GLFWwindow) *GLFWwindow
  • foreign glfwDestroyWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwWindowShouldClose(*GLFWwindow) int
  • foreign glfwSetWindowShouldClose(*GLFWwindow, int) void
  • foreign glfwSetWindowTitle(*GLFWwindow, *ubyte) void
  • foreign glfwSetWindowIcon(*GLFWwindow, int, *GLFWimage) void
  • foreign glfwGetWindowPos(*GLFWwindow, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwSetWindowPos(*GLFWwindow, int, int) void
  • foreign glfwGetWindowSize(*GLFWwindow, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(*GLFWwindow, int, int, int, int) void
  • foreign glfwSetWindowAspectRatio(*GLFWwindow, int, int) void
  • foreign glfwSetWindowSize(*GLFWwindow, int, int) void
  • foreign glfwGetFramebufferSize(*GLFWwindow, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwGetWindowFrameSize(*GLFWwindow, *int, *int, *int, *int) void
  • foreign glfwIconifyWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwRestoreWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwMaximizeWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwShowWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwHideWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwFocusWindow(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwGetWindowMonitor(*GLFWwindow) *GLFWmonitor
  • foreign glfwSetWindowMonitor(*GLFWwindow, *GLFWmonitor, int, int, int, int, int) void
  • foreign glfwGetWindowAttrib(*GLFWwindow, int) int
  • foreign glfwSetWindowUserPointer(*GLFWwindow, ptr) void
  • foreign glfwGetWindowUserPointer(*GLFWwindow) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetWindowPosCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetWindowRefreshCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetWindowFocusCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwPollEvents() void
  • foreign glfwWaitEvents() void
  • foreign glfwWaitEventsTimeout(double) void
  • foreign glfwPostEmptyEvent() void
  • foreign glfwGetInputMode(*GLFWwindow, int) int
  • foreign glfwSetInputMode(*GLFWwindow, int, int) void
  • foreign glfwGetKeyName(int, int) *ubyte
  • foreign glfwGetKey(*GLFWwindow, int) int
  • foreign glfwGetMouseButton(*GLFWwindow, int) int
  • foreign glfwGetCursorPos(*GLFWwindow, *double, *double) void
  • foreign glfwSetCursorPos(*GLFWwindow, double, double) void
  • foreign glfwCreateCursor(*GLFWimage, int, int) *GLFWcursor
  • foreign glfwCreateStandardCursor(int) *GLFWcursor
  • foreign glfwDestroyCursor(*GLFWcursor) void
  • foreign glfwSetCursor(*GLFWwindow, *GLFWcursor) void
  • foreign glfwSetKeyCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetCharCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetCharModsCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetCursorPosCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetCursorEnterCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetScrollCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetDropCallback(*GLFWwindow, ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwJoystickPresent(int) int
  • foreign glfwGetJoystickAxes(int, *int) *float
  • foreign glfwGetJoystickButtons(int, *int) *ubyte
  • foreign glfwGetJoystickName(int) *ubyte
  • foreign glfwSetJoystickCallback(ptr) ptr
  • foreign glfwSetClipboardString(*GLFWwindow, *ubyte) void
  • foreign glfwGetClipboardString(*GLFWwindow) *ubyte
  • foreign glfwGetTime() double
  • foreign glfwSetTime(double) void
  • foreign glfwGetTimerValue() ulong
  • foreign glfwGetTimerFrequency() ulong
  • foreign glfwMakeContextCurrent(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwGetCurrentContext() *GLFWwindow
  • foreign glfwSwapBuffers(*GLFWwindow) void
  • foreign glfwSwapInterval(int) void
  • foreign glfwExtensionSupported(*ubyte) int
  • foreign glfwGetProcAddress(*ubyte) GLFWglproc
  • foreign glfwVulkanSupported() int
  • foreign glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(*uint) **ubyte
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