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Isaac Shelton edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 8 revisions


String represents the type of a string value.


Type Size Possible Values Memory Management Model File
String 32 bytes All strings Ownership 2.7/String.adept
StringView ^ ^ ^ ^


record String (array *ubyte, length usize, capacity usize, ownership StringOwnership)

alias StringView = String


Name Type Description
array *ubyte Pointer to raw array of characters, not null-terminated
length usize Length of array in characters
capacity usize Capacity of array in characters
ownership StringOwnership Whether this string is responsible for freeing array

Value Management Definitions

  • func __defer__(this *String) void
  • func __pass__(string POD String) String
  • func __assign__(this *String, other POD String) void
  • func __access__(this *String, index usize) *ubyte
  • func __equals__(lhs String, rhs String) bool
  • func __not_equals__(lhs String, rhs String) bool
  • func __add__(lhs String, rhs String) String
  • func __add__(lhs String, rhs ubyte) String
  • func __add__(lhs POD String, rhs $T~__primitive__) String
  • func __multiply__(lhs String, times int) String
  • func __modulus__(lhs POD String, rhs String) String
  • func __modulus__(lhs POD String, rhs int) String
  • func __modulus__(lhs POD String, rhs ptr) String
  • func __modulus__(lhs POD String, rhs bool) String
  • func __modulus__(lhs POD String, rhs $T~__primitive__) String
  • func __less_than__(lhs String, rhs String) bool
  • func __greater_than__(lhs String, rhs String) bool
  • func __less_than_or_equal__(lhs String, rhs String) bool
  • func __greater_than_or_equal__(lhs String, rhs String) bool
  • func __array__(this *String) *ubyte
  • func __length__(this *String) usize

String Literals

String literals are declared using double quotes.

food String = "Spaghetti"

String vs *ubyte

*ubyte String
Null-Terminated NOT Null-Terminated
Must be manually free()d or deleted Automatically freed
No Standard Library Dependencies Requires 2.7/String.adept
Can only be string view for end of string Can always be string view
Length is calculated Length is stored

Memory Management

Strings are automatically freed when they run out of scope.

import basics

func main {
    name String = "Isaac".clone()
    // name is freed

In order to pass strings around to other scopes, you can use the commit() method. my_string.commit() gives up any ownership held by my_string and returns a copy with the original's ownership:

import basics

func main {
    outlives String
    if true {
        shortlived String = "Apple".clone()
        // Transfer ownership to 'outlives'
        // 'outlives' now is equal to 'shortlived', but has taken ownership away from it
        outlives = shortlived.commit()
    // outlives is freed

String Scoping Rules:

  • Strings are freed when they go out of scope
  • Strings are freed when inside a value that goes out of scope
  • Strings can transfer scopes using new_scoped_string = old_scoped_string.commit()
  • Strings can force themselves to own a String using must_own_a_string.make()
  • Strings are freed when they are returned and never assigned
  • Strings reference the data of other Strings when assigned to them
  • Strings can be cloned using original.clone()
  • Strings can point to specific parts of other Strings
  • Variables/Parameters marked as POD will not have __pass__ and __defer__ calls automatically made
  • When add()ed to things like List, a reference will be used by default
  • To commit ownership of a string to a list, you must use list.add(string.commit())

String working as a String View

One special thing about String, is that it can be used both as a regular string and as a string view. The methods span and range return a StringView (which is an alias for String), where as methods sub and segment return a newly allocated String.

import basics

func main {
    original String = "Hello World".clone()
    view String = original.span(0, 5)
    copy String = original.sub(0, 5)

    original[0] = 'Y'ub


  • func String(null_terminated *ubyte) String

    Creates a String value from a null-terminated string. The returned value will have ownership of a copy of the string.

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  • func String(array *ubyte, length usize) String

    Creates a String value from a character array. The returned value will have ownership of a copy of the string.

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  • func StringView(null_terminated *ubyte) String

    Creates a String value from a null-terminated string. The returned value will be a view of the memory supplied.

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  • func StringView(array *ubyte, length usize) String

    Creates a String value from a character array. The returned value will be a view of the memory supplied.

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  • func stringConstant(null_terminated *ubyte) String

    Creates a String value from a null-terminated string. The returned value will reference the memory supplied.

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  • func stringTake(null_terminated *ubyte) String

    Creates a String value from a null-terminated string and takes ownership of freeing the supplied string. The returned value will have ownership of the memory supplied.

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  • func stringTake(null_terminated *ubyte, capacity usize) String

    Creates a String value from a null-terminated string and takes ownership of freeing the supplied string. The returned value will have ownership of the memory supplied.

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  • func contains(haystack String, needle String) bool

    Returns whether a string is contained within another string.

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  • func contains(haystack String, needle ubyte) bool

    Returns whether a string contains a certain character.

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  • func startsWith(string String, other POD String) bool

    Returns whether a string starts with the contents of another string.

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  • func endsWith(string String, other POD String) bool

    Returns whether a string ends with the contents of another string.

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  • func longestLength(string String) usize

    Returns the longest line length in a string. Lines are separated by '\n' characters.

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  • func count(string String, character ubyte) usize

    Returns the number of occurrences of a certain character within a string.

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  • func count(string String, substring String) usize

    Returns the number of occurrences of a substring within a string.

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  • func uppercase(string String) String

    Returns an uppercased copy of a string.

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  • func lowercase(string String) String

    Returns a lowercased copy of a string.

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  • func trim(string String) String

    Returns a trimmed copy of a string.

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  • func toString(value POD String) String

    Identity function that returns the supplied string.

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  • func compare(this *String, other String) int

    Compares two strings.

    • Returns -1 if this should come first alphabetically.
    • Returns 1 if this should come second alphabetically.
    • Returns 0 if this is equal to other.

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  • func commit(this *String) String

    Changes the ownership of a String to be StringOwnership::REFERENCE. If the String previously had ownership, then a String value will be returned with StringOwnership::GIVEN, otherwise the original String will be returned. This method is used for transferring ownership of internal data of String values to other String values.

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  • func donate(this *String) String

    If the String has ownership, then the subject's ownership will be changed to StringOwnership::DONOR and a String value will be returned with StringOwnership::GIVEN, otherwise the original String will be returned. This method is used for transferring ownership of internal data of String values to other String values. If ownership was transferred, then the subject value will be completely invalidated and will be unable to be used afterwards.

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  • func give() String

    Like commit(), except requires ownership. Not having ownership will cause a runtime error.

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  • func first(this *String, character ubyte) long

    Returns the index of the first occurrence of a character within a string. Returns -1 if none exists.

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  • func first(this *String, sub String) long

    Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring within a string. Returns -1 if none exists.

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  • func last(this *String, character ubyte) long

    Returns the index of the last occurrence of a character within a string. Returns -1 if none exists.

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  • func last(this *String, sub String) long

    Returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring within a string. Returns -1 if none exists.

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  • func reverse(this *String) void

    Reverses a string.

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  • func reversed(this *String) String

    Returns a reversed copy of a string.

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  • func sub(this *String, a, n usize) String

    Returns a copy of a section of a string, starting at a and going on for n characters.

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  • func segment(this *String, a, b usize) String

    Returns a copy of a section of a string, starting at a and ending at b characters.

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  • func span(this *String, a, n usize) StringView

    Returns a view of a section of a string, starting at a and going on for n characters.

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  • func range(this *String, a, b usize) StringView

    Returns a view of a section of a string, starting at a and ending at b characters.

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  • func reduce(this *String, amount usize) void

    Removes the last amount characters from a string.

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  • func reduced(this *String, amount usize) String

    Returns a copy of a string with the last amount characters removed.

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  • func reducedView(this *String, amount usize) StringView

    Returns a view of a string with the last amount characters removed.

    [view src]

  • func decapitate(this *String, amount usize) void

    Removes the first amount characters from a string.

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  • func decapitated(this *String, amount usize) String

    Returns a copy of a string with the first amount characters removed.

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  • func decapitatedView(this *String, amount usize) StringView

    Returns a view of a string with the first amount characters removed.

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  • func remove(this *String, index usize) void

    Removes a character from a string.

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  • func remove(this *String, a, n usize) void

    Removes a section of characters from a string starting at a and going on for n characters.

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  • func removed(this *String, index usize) String

    Returns a copy of a string with a character removed.

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  • func removed(this *String, a, n usize) String

    Returns a copy of a string with a section of characters removed starting at a and going on for n characters.

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  • func omit(this *String, a, b usize) void

    Removes a section of characters from a string starting at a and ending at b characters.

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  • func omitted(this *String, a, b usize) String

    Returns a copy of a string with a section of characters removed starting at a and ending at b characters.

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  • func append(this *String, other String) void

    Appends a string to another string.

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  • func append(this *String, other ubyte) void

    Appends a character to a string.

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  • func append(this *String, other *ubyte) void

    Appends a c-string to a string.

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  • func append(this *String, other $T~__primitive__) void

    Converts a primitive value to string and appends it to a string.

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  • func appendOnce(this *String, other String) void

    Appends a string to a string if the string doesn't already end with it.

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  • func prepend(this *String, other String) void

    Prepends a string to another string.

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  • func prependOnce(this *String, other String) void

    Prepends a string to another string if the string doesn't already start with it.

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  • func clone(this *String) String

    Returns a copy of a string.

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  • func make(this *String) void

    If a string doesn't have ownership, a copy will be made so that it does.

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  • func reference(this *String) String

    Returns a string that references the internal data of another string.

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  • func replaceOnce(this *String, from ubyte, to String) String

    Replaces the first occurrence of from with to in a string.

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  • func replaceOnce(this *String, from, to String) String

    Replaces the first occurrence of from with to in a string.

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  • func replace(this *String, from ubyte, to String) String

    Replaces all occurrences of from with to in a string.

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  • func replace(this *String, from, to String) String

    Replaces all occurrences of from with to in a string.

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  • func equals(this *String, other POD String) bool

    Returns whether two strings are equal.

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  • func cstr(this *String) *ubyte

    Returns a heap-allocated c-string with the contents of a string.

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  • func startsWith(this *String, other String) bool

    Returns whether a string starts with the contents of another string.

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  • func endsWith(this *String, other String) bool

    Returns whether a string ends with the contents of another string.

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  • func longestLength(this *String) usize

    Returns the longest line length in a string. Lines are separated by '\n' characters.

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  • func count(this *String, character ubyte) usize

    Returns the number of occurrences of a certain character within a string.

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  • func count(this *String, substring String) usize

    Returns the number of occurrences of a substring within a string.

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  • func clear(this *String)

    Sets a string's length to zero.

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  • func clean(this *String)

    Deletes the internal contents of a string if it has ownership, and then zero-initializes the string so that it's a fresh untouched string.

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  • func empty(this *String) bool

    Returns whether a string's length is zero.

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  • func contains(this *String, needle String) bool

    Returns whether a string is contained within another string.

    [view src]

  • func contains(this *String, needle ubyte) bool

    Returns whether a string contains a certain character.

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  • func uppercase(this *String) String

    Returns an uppercased copy of a string.

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  • func lowercase(this *String) String

    Returns an lowercased copy of a string.

    [view src]

  • func trim(this *String) void

    Modifies a string to remove leading and trailing whitespace.

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  • func trimmed(this *String) String

    Returns a copy of a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.

    [view src]

  • func trimmedView(this *String) StringView

    Returns a view of a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.

    [view src]


#default String_log_deletion false
#default String_error_on_donor_usage true
#default String_include_deprecated_modulus_formatting true
#default String_include_deprecated_equals true
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