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IsaacShelton edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 1 revision


There are two types of casts:

value as Type


cast Type value

Both do the same thing, they just have different syntax.

Primitive Value Casting

All primitive types can be casted to and from each other.

10 as float
3.1415f as uint
sizeof bool as double

Arbitrary Pointer Casting

Pointers can be casted to and from each other, regardless of what type they point to.

value1 ptr = null
value2 *int = value1 as *int
value3 *double = cast *double value3
value4 *<float> List = value3 as *<float> List

User-Defined Casts

Implicit and/or explicit user-defined casts can be defined to allowed as and cast to work on non-standard types.

import basics

struct Vector3f (x, y, z float)

func vector3f(x, y, z float) Vector3f {
    v Vector3f
    v.x = x
    v.y = y
    v.z = z
    return v

func __as__(v Vector3f) float {
    // When casting Vector3f to float, return length of vector
    return sqrtf(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z)

func main {
    vector Vector3f = vector3f(1.0f, 3.0f, 5.0f)
    printf("%hf\n", cast float vector)

See user-defined casts for more information

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