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Intrinsic Procedure __pass__

IsaacShelton edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 1 revision

'__pass__' function

The __pass__ function can be used to perform operations on a value before it is passed to a procedure.


The __pass__ function can be declared as:

func __pass__(value POD TheType) TheType {


By default, children of struct-like values will automatically have their __pass__ function called within the parent __pass__ function. If this behavior is undesired, then it can be disabled by throwing the verbatim keyword out in front of the parent's __pass__ declaration.

struct Bomb ()
struct Bomber (a, b, c, d, e, f, g Bomb)

func __pass__(bomb POD Bomb) Bomb {
    return bomb

verbatim func __pass__(bomber POD Bomber) Bomber {
    // Since we used 'verbatim' keyword, none of the children of 'bomber' will
    // have their '__pass__' called, and no message will be printed.
    // If instead we didn't use the 'verbatim' keyword, then the boooom message
    // would be printed for each child
    return bomber

Note that the argument taken into __pass__ must be marked as POD. If it wasn't, then it would mean that __pass__ would be called before itself, which is illogical.

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