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List represents the type of a list.


Type Size Possible Values Memory Management Model File
List 32 bytes Lists of a Single Type Ownership 2.6/List.adept


struct <$T> List (items *$T, length, capacity usize, ownership Ownership)


$T is any valid type


Name Type Description
items *$T Pointer to raw array of items
length usize Length of items in units
capacity usize Capacity of items in units
ownership Ownership Whether this list is responsible for freeing items

Value Management Definitions

  • func __defer__(this *<$T> List)
  • func __pass__(list POD <$T> List) <$T> List
  • func __array__(this *<$T> List) *$T
  • func __length__(this *<$T> List) usize
  • func __access__(this *<$T> List, index usize) *$T
  • func __assign__(this *<$T> List, other POD <$T> List)
  • implicit func __as__(initializer <$T> InitializerList) <$T> List
  • implicit func __as__(initializer <long> InitializerList) <int> List
  • implicit func __as__(initializer <double> InitializerList) <float> List

List Literals

Lists can be created from initializer lists:

food <String> List = {"Spaghetti", "Pizza", "Garlic Bread"}

board <<int> List> List = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0} as <int> List,
    {0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0}

Memory Management

Lists are automatically freed when they run out of scope.

import basics

func main {
    names <String> List
    // names is freed

In order to pass lists around to other scopes, you can use the commit() method. my_list.commit() gives up any ownership held by my_list and returns a copy with the original's ownership:

import basics

func main {
    outlives <String> List = getList()
    // outlives is freed

func getList() <String> List {
    shortlived_list <String> List
    return shortlived_list.commit() // Transfer ownership

List Scoping Rules:

  • Lists are freed when they go out of scope
  • Lists are freed when inside a value that goes out of scope
  • Lists can transfer scopes using new_scoped_list = old_scoped_list.commit()
  • Lists are freed when they are returned and never assigned
  • Lists reference the data of other Lists when assigned to them
  • Lists can point to specific parts of other Lists
  • Variables/Parameters marked as POD will not have __pass__ and __defer__ calls automatically made
  • When add()ed to things like other Lists, a reference will be used by default
  • To commit ownership of a list to another List, you must use list_of_lists.add(list.commit())


  • func list(items *$T, length usize, ownership Ownership = Ownership::REFERENCE) <$T> List

    Constructs a list from individual components.

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  • func list(items *$T, length, capacity usize, ownership Ownership = Ownership::REFERENCE) <$T> List

    Constructs a list from individual components.

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  • func add(this *<$T> List, item POD $~T) void

    Adds an item to a list.

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  • func add(this *<$T> List) *$T

    Adds a blank zero-initialized item to a list and returns a pointer to the new item.

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  • func insert(this *<$T> List, index usize) *$T

    Inserts a blank zero-initialized item into a list and returns a pointer to the new item.

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  • func insert(this *<$T> List, index usize, item POD $~T) void

    Inserts an item into a list.

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  • func append(this *<$T> List, item POD $~T) void

    Appends an item to a list.

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  • func prepend(this *<$T> List, item POD $~T) void

    Prepends an item to a list.

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  • func remove(this *<$T> List, index usize) void

    Removes an item from a list.

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  • func reserve(this *<$T> List, count usize) void

    Ensures a list can hold at least count items before having to expand.

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  • func get(this *<$T> List, index usize) $T

    Gets an item from a list.

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  • func getPointer(this *<$T> List, index usize) *$T

    Gets a pointer to an item in a list. The pointer may be invalidated when the list is modified.

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  • func clear(this *<$T> List)

    Clears a list.

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  • func empty(this *<$T> List) bool

    Returns whether this.length == 0

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  • func commit(this *<$T> List) <$T> List

    Changes the ownership of a list to be Ownership::REFERENCE. If the list previously had ownership, then a list value will be returned with Ownership::GIVEN, otherwise the original list will be returned. This method is used for transferring ownership of internal array data of lists to other lists.

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  • func donate(this *<$T> List) <$T> List

    If the list has ownership, then the list's ownership will be changed to Ownership::DONOR and a list value will be returned with Ownership::GIVEN, otherwise the original list will be returned. This method is used for transferring ownership of internal array data of lists to other lists. If ownership was transferred, then the subject value will be completely invalidated and will be unable to be used afterwards.

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  • func reverse(this *<$T> List) void

    Reverses a list.

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  • func reduce(this *<$T> List) void

    Removes the last item from a list.

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  • func reduce(this *<$T> List, amount usize) void

    Removes the last amount items from a list.

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  • func first(this *<$T> List) *$T

    Returns a pointer to the first item in the list. Will return null if the list is empty.

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  • func last(this *<$T> List) *$T

    Returns a pointer to the last item in the list. Will return null if the list is empty.

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  • func contains(this *<$T> List, value $~T) bool

    Returns whether a list contains an item that is equal to value.

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  • func map(this *<$T> List, function func($~T) $S) <$S> List

    Applies function to every item in a list to form another list.

    [view src]


#default list_bounds_checks       true
#default list_error_with_type     __typeinfo__
#default list_ownership_checks    true
#default list_disable_safety      false
#default list_preparation_checks  false
#default list_experimental        false
#default list_warn_experimental   true
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