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Setting up Infobright

Yali Sassoon edited this page May 9, 2013 · 7 revisions

HOME > SNOWPLOW SETUP GUIDE > Step 4: setting up alternative data stores > [Setting up Infobright to work with Snowplow] (Setting-up-Infobright)

Setting up Snowplow to work with Infobright is a five step process:

  1. Installing ICE
  2. Configuring ICE
  3. Testing ICE
  4. Setting up the Snowplow database and events table
  5. Automating the loading of Snowplow data into Infobright

Note: if you already have Infobright up and running, you can skip straight to step 5: Setting up the Snowplow database and events table

1. Installing ICE

This guide walks you through the process of installing ICE on Debian / Ubuntu, using instructions adapted from Infobright's own DEB/RPM and tar (part one, part two). ICE can also be run on Windows Servers and other variants of Linux: for details on how to setup ICE in those environments, please refer to the Infobright website.


You can download the latest version of ICE on the Infobright downloads page. At the time of writing, the latest version of ICE was v4.0.7:

$ cd ~/downloads
$ wget
## 1. Install

To install:

$ sudo -i
$ cd ~/downloads
$ dpkg -i infobright-4.0.7-0-x86_64-ice.deb

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## 2. Configuring ICE

Configuration file

You need to enable the standard configuration file:

$ cp /etc/my-ib.cnf.inactive /etc/my-ib.cnf

Install as a service

Unfortunately, the Debian installer has some problems setting up the ICE daemon. Check for:

$ which /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib

If it's not there, you will have to copy support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system.

Assuming it is there, start the service:

$ /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start
Starting MySQL

Secure your installation

Now we need to secure your ICE installation. Assuming you are still sudo'ed in as root, run:

$ PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/infobright-4.0.7-x86_64/bin
$ /usr/local/infobright-4.0.7-x86_64/bin/mysql_secure_installation

And set the root password:

Set root password? [Y/n] Y
New password: <<Enter password>> 
Re-enter new password: <<Enter password>> 
Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
 ... Success!    

And get rid of anonymous users:

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
 ... Success!

And disable root login:

Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
... Success!

Drop the test database:

Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
 - Dropping test database...
 ... Success!
 - Removing privileges on test database...
 ... Success!

And finally reload the privilege tables:

Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y
 ... Success!

Now exit from root:

$ exit

And finally let's update the database used by locate (as our scripts depend on locate to find the Infobright executable):

$ sudo updatedb

Configure memory

ICE needs the appropriate Server Main Heap Size and Loader Main Heap Size based on how much physical RAM you have:

System Memory Server Main Heap Size Loader Main Heap Size
64 GB 48000 800
48 GB 32000 800
32 GB 24000 800
24 GB 16500 800
16 GB 10000 800
8 GB 4000 800
4 GB 1300 400
2 GB 600 320

The installer should set this automatically - to check, edit the memory configuration file:

$ sudo vi /usr/local/infobright/data/brighthouse.ini

And check, updating if necessary, the following variables as per your available RAM:

# ServerMainHeapSize - Size of the main memory heap in the server process, in MB

# LoaderMainHeapSize - Size of the memory heap in the loader process, in MB.

Note that some ICE documentation and files mention an additional "Server Compressed Heap Size" variable. This variable is obsolete - you can forget it.

If you change it, restart:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib restart

Set it to survive restart

We don’t need to create aliases for the various init commands, because they are already loaded from scripts.aliases. The relevant aliases are:

alias icestop="sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib stop"
alias icestart="sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start"
alias icerestart="sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib restart"

And finally make sure that it survives reboot - you might not have to do this step:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f mysqld-ib defaults
update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing

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## 3. Testing ICE

You can test ICE using standard MySQL client tools, although note Infobright's non-standard port number:


To test using the client that comes with ICE:

$ cd /usr/local/infobright
$ bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/my-ib.cnf -uroot --password
Enter password: <<Enter password>> 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 12
Server version: 5.1.40 build number (revision)=IB_4.0.7_r16961_17249(ice) (static)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Alternatively you can also test by running Navicat or another database querying tool and logging into the database that way. (We heartily recommend Navicat.)

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## 4. Setting up the Snowplow database and events table

Now that you've got ICE up and running, its time to setup a database for Snowplow on it, and create the Snowplow events table in it.

We've created a bash script to do the above for you: the script is called and can be found in the Infobright storage section of the Snowplow Github repo.

First, checkout the Snowplow repository and navigate to the Infobright storage folder:

$ git clone [email protected]:snowplow/snowplow.git
$ cd snowplow/4-storage/infobright-storage

Now run the script, passing in your Infobright username and password i.e.:

$ ./ {{username}} {{password}}

The script will run the two 'sql' files in the sql folder:

  1. setup_infobright.sql creates the Snowplow database and creates a table in it called events, where the Snowplow event-level data will be stored
  2. verify_infobright simply checks for the presence of the Snowplow database and events table in your Infobright installion.

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## 5. Automating the loading of Snowplow data into Infobright

Now you have setup Infobright and a database / table in it for Snowplow data, you are ready to [setup the StorageLoader to regularly upload Snowplow data into the table] storage-loader-for-infobright. Click [here] storage-loader-for-infobright for step-by-step instruction on how.

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HOME > SNOWPLOW SETUP GUIDE > Step 4: Setting up alternative data stores

Setup Snowplow

  • [Step 1: Setup a Collector] (setting-up-a-collector)
  • [Step 2: Setup a Tracker] (setting-up-a-tracker)
  • [Step 3: Setup EmrEtlRunner] (setting-up-EmrEtlRunner)
  • [Step 4: Setup alternative data stores] (setting-up-alternative-data-stores)
    • [4.1: setup Redshift] (setting-up-redshift)
    • [4.2: setup PostgreSQL] (setting-up-postgresql)
    • [4.3: installing the StorageLoader] (1-installing-the-storageloader)
    • [4.4: using the StorageLoader] (2-using-the-storageloader)
    • [4.5: scheduling the StorageLoader] (3-scheduling-the-storageloader)
  • [Step 5: Analyze your data!] (Getting started analyzing Snowplow data)

Useful resources

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