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Using Myra in Stride Engine Tutorial

Roman Shapiro edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 17 revisions
  1. Create new Stride Engine project.

  2. Open MyGame.csproj in the text editor and add Myra package reference:

<PackageReference Include="Myra.Stride" Version="" />
  1. Reload project(File->Reload Project) in order for new dependency to show up:

  2. Create new code file MyraRenderer.cs with following contents:

using Stride.Rendering;
using Stride.Graphics;
using Stride.Engine;
using Stride.Rendering.Compositing;
using Stride.Games;
using Stride.Core;
using Stride.Core.Mathematics;
using RenderContext = Stride.Rendering.RenderContext;

using Myra;
using Myra.Graphics2D.UI;

namespace MyGame
    public class MyraRenderer : SceneRendererBase, IIdentifiable
        private Desktop _desktop;

        // Declared public member fields and properties will show in the game studio
        protected override void InitializeCore()
            // Initialization of the script.
            MyraEnvironment.Game = (Game)this.Services.GetService<IGame>();

            var grid = new Grid
              RowSpacing = 8,
              ColumnSpacing = 8
            grid.ColumnsProportions.Add(new Proportion(ProportionType.Auto));
            grid.ColumnsProportions.Add(new Proportion(ProportionType.Auto));
            grid.RowsProportions.Add(new Proportion(ProportionType.Auto));
            grid.RowsProportions.Add(new Proportion(ProportionType.Auto));
            var helloWorld = new Label
              Id = "label",
              Text = "Hello, World!"
            // ComboBox
            var combo = new ComboBox();
            Grid.SetColumn(combo, 1);
            combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Red", Color.Red));
            combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Green", Color.Green));
            combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Blue", Color.Blue));
            // Button
            var button = new TextButton
              Text = "Show"
            Grid.SetRow(button, 1);
            button.Click += (s, a) =>
              var messageBox = Dialog.CreateMessageBox("Message", "Some message!");
            // Spin button
            var spinButton = new SpinButton
              Width = 100,
              Nullable = true
            Grid.SetColumn(spinButton, 1);
            Grid.SetRow(spinButton, 1);
            // Add it to the desktop
            _desktop = new Desktop
                Root = grid

        protected override void DrawCore(RenderContext context, RenderDrawContext drawContext)
            // Clear depth buffer
            drawContext.CommandList.Clear(GraphicsDevice.Presenter.DepthStencilBuffer, DepthStencilClearOptions.DepthBuffer);
            // Render UI

It would initialize Myra and create basic 2x2 grid with some widgets.

  1. Place MyraRenderer.cs in the same folder that contains MyGame.csproj. MyraRenderer.cs should appear in the Code:

  2. Edit Assets/Graphics Compositor and MyraRenderer to the Entry points:

  3. Run the project.

  4. Myra UI should appear on top of the scene:

Full Sample Source Code: