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Quick Start Tutorial

Roman Shapiro edited this page Jul 8, 2018 · 38 revisions
  1. Create MonoGame or FNA project.
  2. Reference Myra.
  3. Add following field in the Game class:
private Desktop _host;
  1. Add following code to the constructor to make the mouse cursor visible:
IsMouseVisible = true;
  1. Add following code in the LoadContent method, which will create 2x2 grid and populate it with some widgets:
MyraEnvironment.Game = this;

var grid = new Grid
  RowSpacing = 8,
  ColumnSpacing = 8

grid.ColumnsProportions.Add(new Grid.Proportion(Grid.ProportionType.Auto));
grid.ColumnsProportions.Add(new Grid.Proportion(Grid.ProportionType.Auto));
grid.RowsProportions.Add(new Grid.Proportion(Grid.ProportionType.Auto));
grid.RowsProportions.Add(new Grid.Proportion(Grid.ProportionType.Auto));

// TextBlock
var helloWorld = new TextBlock
  Text = "Hello, World!"

// ComboBox
var combo = new ComboBox
  GridPositionX = 1,
  GridPositionY = 0

combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Red", Color.Red));
combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Green", Color.Green));
combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Blue", Color.Blue));

// Button
var button = new Button
  GridPositionX = 0,
  GridPositionY = 1,
  Text = "Show"

button.Down += (s, a) =>
  var messageBox = Dialog.CreateMessageBox("Message", "Some message!");


// Spin button
var spinButton = new SpinButton
  GridPositionX = 1,
  GridPositionY = 1,
  WidthHint = 100,
  Nullable = true

// Add it to the desktop
_host = new Desktop();
  1. Add following code to the Draw method:

_host.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight);

It would result in following: