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Roman Shapiro edited this page Mar 7, 2020 · 10 revisions

PropertyGrid uses reflection to browse through the provided object's public fields and properties and places them on the editing grid.

This process could be controlled by assigning the fields and properties following attributes:

Attribute Description
[Browsable(false)] Ignores a field/property
[Category(categoryName)] Puts a field/property under the specified category
[DisplayName(displayName)] Uses provided displayName as name

I.e. consider following class definition:

	public enum State

	public class HitPoints
		public int Current;
		public int Maximum
			get; set;

	public class Player
		public string Name;

		public bool Visible
			get; set;

		public State State;

		public Color Color;

		public IBrush Background;

		public int X
			get; set;

		public int Y
			get; set;

		public int Width;

		public int Height;

		[DisplayName("Attack (ReadOnly)")]
		public int Attack
			get; private set;

		[DisplayName("Defense (ReadOnly)")]
		public int Defense
			get; private set;

		public HitPoints HitPoints
		} = new HitPoints();

		public int Ignored;

		public Player()
			Name = "Player";

			Color = Color.White;

			X = Y = 300;
			Width = 100;
			Height = 100;

			Visible = true;

			Attack = 100;
			Defense = 200;

			HitPoints.Current = 100;
			HitPoints.Maximum = 150;

Now if we provide Profile object to the PropertyGrid:

	Player player = new Player();
	PropertyGrid propertyGrid = new PropertyGrid
		Object = player,
		Width = 350

	Window window = new Window
		Title = "Object Editor",
		Content = propertyGrid


It would result in following:

Full sample is available here: