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Back to the "characters database":charactersdb_struct list of tables.
h2. The `character` table
This table holds vital static information for each character. This information loaded and used to create the player objects in-game.
h3. Structure
|*Field*|*Type*|*Null*|*Key*|*Default*|*Extra*| |"guid":Characters#guid|int(11) unsigned|NO|PRI|0|| |"account":Characters#account|int(11) unsigned|NO|MUL|0|| |"data":Characters#data|longtext|YES||None|| |"name":Characters#name|varchar(12)|NO|||| |"race":Characters#race|tinyint(3) unsigned|NO||0|| |"class":Characters#class|tinyint(3) unsigned|NO||0|| |"position_x":Characters#position_x|float|NO||0|| |"position_y":Characters#position_y|float|NO||0|| |"position_z":Characters#position_z|float|NO||0|| |"map":Characters#map|int(11) unsigned|NO||0|| |"dungeon_difficulty":Characters#dungeon_difficulty|tinyint(1) unsigned|NO||0|| |"orientation":Characters#orientation|float|NO||0|| |"taximask":Characters#taximask|longtext|YES||None|| |"online":Characters#online|tinyint(3) unsigned|NO|MUL|0|| |"cinematic":Characters#cinematic|tinyint(3) unsigned|NO||0|| |"totaltime":Characters#totaltime|int(11) unsigned|NO||0|| |"leveltime":Characters#leveltime|int(11) unsigned|NO||0|| |"logout_time":Characters#logout_time|int(11)|NO||0|| |"is_logout_resting":Characters#is_logout_resting|tinyint(3)|NO||0|| |"rest_bonus":Characters#rest_bonus|float|NO||0|| |"resettalents_cost":Characters#resettalents_cost|int(11) unsigned|NO||0|| |"resettalents_time":Characters#resettalents_time|bigint(20) unsigned|NO||0|| |"trans_x":Characters#trans_x|float|NO||0|| |"trans_y":Characters#trans_y|float|NO||0|| |"trans_z":Characters#trans_z|float|NO||0|| |"trans_o":Characters#trans_o|float|NO||0|| |"transguid":Characters#transguid|bigint(20) unsigned|NO||0|| |"extra_flags":Characters#extra_flags|tinyint(3) unsigned|NO||0|| |"stable_slots":Characters#stable_slots|tinyint(1) unsigned|NO||0|| |"at_login":Characters#at_login|int(11) unsigned|NO||0|| |"zone":Characters#zone|int(11) unsigned|NO||0|| |"death_expire_time":Characters#death_expire_time|bigint(20) unsigned|NO||0|| |"taxi_path":Characters#taxi_path|text|YES|||| |"arena_pending_points":Characters#arena_pending_points|int(10) unsigned|NO||0|| |"bgid":Characters#bgid|int(10) unsigned|NO||0|| |"bgteam":Characters#bgteam|int(10) unsigned|NO||0|| |"bgmap":Characters#bgmap|int(10) unsigned|NO||0|| |"bgx":Characters#bgx|float|NO||0|| |"bgy":Characters#bgy|float|NO||0|| |"bgz":Characters#bgz|float|NO||0|| |"bgo":Characters#bgo|float|NO||0||
h3. Description of the fields
h4. guid
The character global unique identifier. This number must be unique and is the best way to identify separate characters.
h4. account
The account ID in which this character resides. See account.id in the realm database.
h4. data
Big text field holding many different numbers all separated by a space that can be separated into an array with an explode function on the space. Table on what values are stored at what index can be found at "character_data":character_data
h4. name
The name of the character.
h4. race
The race of the character.
|_. Index |_. Decimal |_. Race | |1 |>. 1 | Human | |2 |>. 2 | Orc | |3 |>. 4 | Dwarf | |4 |>. 8 | Night Elf | |5 |>. 16 | Undead | |6 |>. 32 | Tauren | |7 |>. 64 | Gnome | |8 |>. 128 | Troll | |10 |>. 512 | Blood Elf | |11 |>. 1024 | Draenei |
h4. class
The class of the character:
h4. position_x
The x position of the character's location.
h4. position_y
The y position of the character's location.
h4. position_z
The z position of the character's location.
h4. map
The map ID the character is in.
h4. dungeon_difficulty
The current difficulty that the player is in.
h4. orientation
The orientation the character is facing. (North = 0.0, South = 3.14159)
h4. taximask
h4. online
Records whether the character is online (1) or offline (0).
h4. cinematic
Boolean 1 or 0 controlling whether the start cinematic has been shown or not.
h4. totaltime
The total time that the character has been active in the world, measured in seconds.
h4. leveltime
The total time the character has spent in the world at the current level, measured in seconds.
h4. logout_time
The time when the character last logged out, measured in Unix time.
h4. is_logout_resting
Boolean 1 or 0 controlling if the character is currently in a resting zone or not.
h4. rest_bonus
h4. resettalents_cost
The cost for the character to reset its talents, measured in copper.
h4. resettalents_time
h4. trans_x
h4. trans_y
h4. trans_z
h4. trans_o
h4. transguid
h4. extra_flags
These flags control certain player specific attributes, mostly GM features
|_. Bit|_. Name|_. Description| |1|PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ON|Defines GM state| |2|PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ACCEPT_TICKETS|Defines if tickets are accepted| |4|PLAYER_EXTRA_ACCEPT_WHISPERS|Defines if whispers are accepted| |8|PLAYER_EXTRA_TAXICHEAT|Sets taxicheat| |16|PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_INVISIBLE|Control's GM's invisibly| |32|PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_CHAT|Show GM badge in chat messages| |64|PLAYER_EXTRA_PVP_DEATH|Store PvP death status until corpse creating|
h4. stable_slots
The number of stable slots the player has available. Maximum is 2.
h4. at_login
This field is a bitmask controlling different actions taken once a player logs in with the character.
- 1 = Force character to change name
- 2 = Reset spells (professions as well)
- 4 = Reset talents
- 8 = Character Customization enabled
h4. zone
The zone ID the character is in.
h4. death_expire_time
Time when a character can be resurrected in case of a server crash or client exit while in ghost form.
h4. taxi_path
Stores the players current taxi path (TaxiPath.dbc) if logged off while on one.