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Meeting 2018 06 06

Josh Hursey edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Meeting June 6, 2018

Next Meeting June 20, 2018 at 1 pm (Central)


  • Josh Hursey (IBM)
  • Ralph Castain (Intel)
  • Dave Solt (IBM)

Timeline / General Notes:

  • Timeline
    • July - v2.0 - First full draft ready
    • July/Aug - v3.0 - Start on v3.0 standard
    • Sept - v2.0 - Release v2.0 standard
    • Sept/Oct - v3.0 - First full draft of v3.0 standard ready
    • Nov/Dec - v3.0 - Release v3.0 standard
  • General Writing Guidance
    • Fill out the assigned section
    • Small questions of clarification add to the text
      • Use the \rcomment{...} macro to introduce a Review Comment.
    • Larger items of discussion, file an GitHub Issue.

Discussion / Questions:

  • Discussion (v3 only) PMIx Connect Server side
    • Currently client is passed back namespace and rank from connect call (MPI Sessions WG request)
    • On connect (and requesting a new namespace) a new namespace is assigned, so client will know the namespace and their rank in it.
      • Useful if we want to send a notification to this connected group, you can use the namespace as the handle for sending the notification.
    • Should the RM assign the new rank in the nspace (PRL server side API change needed for pmix_server_connect_fn_t callback), or let the PRL decide (no API change required?
      • Create a new API (since this only impacts v3)
      • PMIx_Group()
        • Create a new namespace and rank
        • Default connected (shared job info)
        • Attribute to not connect (useful for establishing a group for notification purposes only)
      • Ralph to make PMIx_Connect in 'master'/'v3.x' to 'v2.1' level
        • Define a couple new API's for grouping/ungrouping

Writing assignments / Action Items:

  • Writing assignments
    • Ralph:
      • Chapter 4 (Initialization)
        • Working on attribute clarifications
      • Chapter 8 (Events + Logging)
        • Working on attribute clarifications
    • Josh:
    • Unassigned:
      • Chapter 6 (Process Management)
      • Chapter 7 (Job Allocation Management)
      • Chapter 10 (Server Specific Interfaces)
  • Ready for review:
    • Chapter 1 (Introduction)
    • Chapter 2 (PMIx Terms and Conventions)
    • Chapter 9 (Data Packing and Unpacking)
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