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Sebastian Schmieschek edited this page Aug 12, 2015
2 revisions
Uses the publisher/subscriber design pattern: handlers register with a central manager.
- Derivatives of the abstract base class BoundaryCondition are created for each boundary algorithm, e.g. !BounceBackBoundaryCondition
- These handler objects are registered with a BoundaryConditions manager static class
- When boundary conditions must be applied, the BoundaryConditions manager is given each particle in turn
- The BoundaryConditions manager determines which handlers to call, if any, by simple collision detection (see below)
- Each of the registered handlers for the type of boundary discovered, if any, is called in turn and passed a non-const reference to the particle
- Each BoundaryCondition modifies the particle according to its particular algorithm, e.g. by setting the velocity or by adding a force
h2. Collision Detection
For each particle
- calculate global coordinates of lattice location nearest to the globalPosition of the particle
const util::Vector3D site[[GlobalPosition]](
- determine the nature of the site at that location, if any
proc_t procId;
site_t local[[ContiguousId]];
const bool is[[LocalFluid]] = latticeData->[[GetContiguousSiteId]](site[[GlobalPosition]], procId, local[[ContiguousId]]);
if (is[[LocalFluid]]) break;
const geometry::[[ConstSite]] site = latticeData->[[GetSite]](local[[ContiguousId]]);
if (site == NULL) break;
const geometry::[[SiteData]] siteData = site.[[GetSiteData]]();
if (siteData == NULL) break;
const geometry::[[SiteType]] siteType = siteData.[[GetSiteType]]()
const bool is[[NearWall]] = siteData.[[IsEdge]]()
const bool is[[NearInlet]] = INLET_TYPE);
const bool is[[NearOutlet]] = OUTLET_TYPE);
- determine distance to wall (for wall boundaries only) a. EITHER calculate a single vector from the wall to the particle (for wall boundaries only)
std::vector<[[LatticePosition]]> site[[ToWallVectors]];
const [[LatticeInfo]]& latticeInfo = latticeData.[[GetLatticeInfo]]();
double shortestDistance = 100.0;
int shortestDirection = 0;
for (Direction direction = 1; direction < latticeInfo.[[GetNumVectors]](); ++direction)
double thisDistance = site.[[GetWallDistance]](direction);
if (0.0 =< thisDistance && thisDistance < shortestDistance)
shortestDistance = thisDistance;
shortestDirection = direction;
// cap distance at 0.5 to avoid particles getting too near solid sites
if (shortestDistance > 0.5) shortestDistance = 0.5;
site[[ToWallVectors]].add( latticeInfo.[[GetVector]](shortestDirection).Normalise() * shortestDistance );
a. OR calculate a multiple orthogonal vectors from the wall to the particle (for wall boundaries only)
std::vector<[[LatticePosition]]> site[[ToWallVectors]];
for (Direction direction = 1; direction <= 6; ++direction)
double thisDistance = site.[[GetWallDistance]](direction);
if (0.0 =< thisDistance)
site[[ToWallVectors]].add( latticeInfo.[[GetVector]](direction) * min(0.5, thisDistance) );
a. do some geometry to produce wallToParticleVectors
std::vector<[[LatticePosition]]> wall[[ToParticleVectors]];
[[LatticePosition]] p = particle[[GlobalPosition]];
[[LatticePosition]] s = site[[GlobalPosition]];
foreach ([[LatticePosition]] w in site[[ToWallVector]])
// EITHER (from point on wall nearest to site, not normal to wall) ...
wall[[ToParticleVectors]].add( w + s - p );
// OR (parallel to site[[ToWallVector]] and assuming wall is locally flat) ...
wall[[ToParticleVectors]].add( w.Normalised().Dot(s - p) * w.Normalised() + w );
- choose appropriate boundary handlers
if (is[[NearWall]])
// do handlers registered for wall boundaries (pass wall[[ToParticleVectors]])
if (is[[NearInlet]])
// do handlers registered for inlet boundaries (pass empty std::vector<[[LatticePosition]]>)
if (is[[NearOutlet]])
// do handlers registered for outlet boundaries (pass empty std::vector<[[LatticePosition]]>)