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gNMI-1.22: Controller card port attributes


Validate PORT components attached to a CONTROLLER_CARD are modeled with the expected OC paths. The operational use case is:

  1. As an automated network repair tool, I want to ensure at least one interface between redundant CONTROLLER_CARD components is fully operational. Before performing a power off or reboot of a CONTROLLER_CARD or a network device wired to a CONTROLLER_CARD PORT, I want to use the OC component tree to trace the subject PORT to it's associated redundant PORT.

Testbed type

Testbed prerequisites

There are no DUT configuration pre-requisites for this test. The DUT must contain the following component types: 2 CONTROLLER_CARD components Each CONTROLLER_CARD contains at least one PORT


  • gNMI-1.22: Validate component PORT attributes attached to a CONTROLLER_CARD
    • gNMI Subscribe to the /components and /interfaces tree using ONCE option.
    • Verify each PORT present on a CONTROLLER_CARD has the following paths set:
      • Search the components to to find components of type PORT with parent = CONTROLLER_CARD
        • /components/component/state/parent = the appropriate component of type CONTROLLER_CARD
      • Search the /interfaces/interface/state/hardware-port values to find the expected /components/component/name for the physical port on the CONTROLLER_CARD
        • For each of these interfaces, verify /interfaces/interface/state/cpu = TRUE

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the OC paths and RPC intended to be covered by this test.

  ## State Paths ##
        platform_type: [
        platform_type: [

            ONCE: true

Minimum DUT platform requirement

MFF - Modular form factor is specified to ensure coverage for redundant CONTROLLER_CARD platform_types.

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