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Custom (Thematic) Icons

LouisMDenman edited this page Oct 19, 2021 · 5 revisions

For the main menu of the game, to fit the 5 themes of the game (hel, asguard, earth, jotunheim and alfheim), custom icons have been designed as a part of sprint 4 to add 'juice' to the game menu(s). Below shows the icons that have been designed. It must also be noted that these have been implemented into the code of the game.

A 'RUN!' button was designed which incorporates the Alfheim theme.

Run Button

A 'SETTINGS' button was designed which incorporates the Jotunheim theme

Settings Button

A 'LEADER BOARD' icon was designed which incorporates the Asgard theme

Leaderboard Button

A 'HELP' icon was designed which incorporates the Hell theme

Help Button

An 'EXIT' button icon was designed for the main menu screen, which incorporated the Earth theme

Exit Button

Two iterations of a mute button were extended from the original design in sprint 1; these included the following:

Volume_On 1 Volume_Off 1 Volume_On 2 Volume_Off 2

While these buttons don't necessarily revolve around the themes of the game, they are valid improvements to the aesthetic of the game and also allow a more user-friendly experience as they are more clear. It has been chosen that the buttons with the tick and cross will be chosen for the implementation in the game.

In addition to these icons designed for the main menu screen of the game, additional improved icons such as a wolf, a fire spirit and a skeleton have been designed as shown below.

Skeleton Wolf Fire_Monster

Overall, these additions to the graphics of the game allow for a more thematic main menu and is more eye-catching for the average user.

Table of Contents


Student Documentation

Design Document

Graphical Design
User Testing
Sound and Music
Code Design / Documentation

Game Engine

Getting Started

Technical Aspects
Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling





Game Screens and Areas


Map Generation

Concurrency & Threading



Common bugs

MacOS Setup Guide

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