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Pickled Head

SirSquidly edited this page Apr 28, 2024 · 1 revision

A Pickled Head is a block modeled after the head of a Pickled.



A Pickled Head can be mined by hand, dropping itself.

Mob Loot

A Pickled killed by a charged creeper explosion will drop a pickled head.


Using Bonemeal on a Picked has a 6.9% chance to drop a pickled head.



Pickled Heads share the same rotation, direction, and placement as vanilla heads.

Weather detection

When connected to a Redstone Comparator, a pickled head will output a signal based on the current weather. In Rain it outputs a signal of 3, and in Thunder it output a signal of 7.

Along with this, the intestines will stick out of the top of the head when wet. This also works in item form.

Note Blocks

When placed on any side of a note block, the note block's sound will be replaced by the Drowned's ambient sound⁽¹⁾.

The pitch of the note block affects the played mob sound.⁽¹⁾


Version Changes
1.1.0 Added Pickled Heads.

  1. ↑ Features are configurable.
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