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LEGACY Other API Events

Simon Davies edited this page May 1, 2024 · 1 revision

This page will document all the events Vortex can send and receive using the Vortex API.

One way an extension integrates with Vortex is by reacting to global events triggered by the main application. That way your extension can become part of the regular workflow in the application, e.g. doing work every time Vortex deploys mod.


The event lists below are generated from this data file:

If you want to improve the documentation, please fork this repo and make a pull request with your improvements.

Interacting with events

There are two different ways we trigger events:

  • “fire-and-forget” where the emitter emits an event and immediately continues its own work.
  • “async” where the emitter waits for all event handlers to complete successfully

If it’s unclear from context, please consult the event list to figure out which kind an event is because you need to use the appropriate emit/on function based on the event type. Further we divide the list into “events” and “commands”, with “events” being events that the Vortex core triggers and the extension is expected to catch to react to them and “commands” being events that extensions are supposed to trigger and Vortex core or another extension reacts to.

In order to have your extension respond to an event you can use the following:'eventName', callback); // fire-and-forget

context.api.onAsync('eventName', callback); // async

To emit an event (or command) yourself use the following:'eventName', callback); // fire-and-forget

context.api.emitAndAwait('eventName', callback); // async

Notice that the asynchronous version is called from the API object directly, rather than from the events property.


Mods Enabled

Emitted by Vortex when one or more mods are enabled.

Name mods-enabled
Parameters (mods: string[], enabled: boolean, gameId: string)
    (mods, enabled, gameId) => console.log(`${mods.count} mods ${enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'} in ${gameId}`) 

Game Mode Activated

Emitted by Vortex when switching the currently managed game, including when the application first starts.

Name gamemode-activated
Parameters (gameId: string)
Notes The gameId property can be undefined. This usually happens when the user deletes their last profile for an active game.
    (gameId) => console.log(`Activated game mode in ${gameId}`) 


Emitted by Vortex when the application first starts (after the extensions are loaded by before the UI is displayed).

Name startup
Parameters none
    () => console.log('Vortex is starting up.') 

Will Deploy

Emitted asynchronously by Vortex before starting a deployment.

Name will-deploy
Parameters (profileId: string, oldDeployment: { [modType: string]: IDeployedFile[] })
    (profiled, oldDeployment) => console.log(`About to deploy mods for profile ${profileId}`) 

context.api.emitAndAwait('will-deploy', profileId, lastDeployment);

Did Deploy

Emitted asynchronously by Vortex after finishing a deployment.

Name did-deploy
Parameters (profileId: string, newDeployment: { [modType: string]: IDeployedFile[] })
    (profileId, newDeployment) => console.log(`Finished deploying mods for profile ${profileId}`) 

context.api.emitAndAwait('did-deploy', profileId, thisDeployment);

Profile Will Change

Emitted by Vortex before switching between profiles.

Name profile-will-change
Parameters (newProfileId: string, enqueue: (cb: () => Promise<void>) => void)
Notes The events profile-will-change and profile-did-change also fire when swapping between games, because each game has a separate profile.

The newProfileId property can be undefined if the user deletes the last profile for their active game.

The enqueue function can be used to return a Promise which needs to be fulfilled before the profile may be changed. The change can not be cancelled though because we can't know if/how previous changes can be rolled back.

    (newProfileId, enqueue: () => undefined) => console.log(`Preparing to switch to profile ${newProfileId}`) 

Profile Did Change

Emitted by Vortex after switching between profiles.

Name profile-did-change
Parameters (newProfileId: string)
Notes The events profile-will-change and profile-did-change also fire when swapping between games, because each game has a separate profile.

The newProfileId property can be undefined if the user deletes the last profile for their active game.

    (newProfileId => console.log(`Finished switching to profile ${newProfileId}`) 

Did Import Downloads

Emitted by Vortex after adding new downloads to the downloads section.

Name did-import-downloads
Parameters (dlIds: string[])

    (dlIds => console.log(`Imported ${dlIds.length} downloads`) 

Will Move Downloads

Emitted by Vortex before the user relocates their download folder for a game.

Name will-move-downloads
Parameters none

    (() => console.log('Vortex is preparing to move downloads.') 

Filehash Calculated

Emitted by Vortex after the user adds a new file and its MD5 has been calculated.

Name filehash-calculated
Parameters (filePath: string, fileMD5: string, fileSize: number)

    (filePath, fileMD5, fileSize) => console.log(`File at ${filePath} is ${fileSize} bytes with MD5 of ${fileMD5}`) 

Added Files

Emitted asynchronously by Vortex if new files have been created in the mods folder and Vortex has attempted to identify where they came from.

Name added-files
Parameters (profileId: string, newFiles: Array<{ filePath: string, candidates: string[] }>)


    (profileId, newFiles) => {
        const fileInfo = => `File${f.filePath} could be a part of the following mods ${f.candidates.join('\n')}`).join('\n');
        console.log(`New files detected in the mods folder for ${profileId}\n${fileInfo}`);

Mod Enabled

Emitted by Vortex when a mod is toggled from disabled to enabled.

Name mod-enabled
Parameters (profileId: string, modId: string)

Example'mod-enabled', (profileId, modId) => console.log(`Mod ${modId} enabled in ${profileId}`) 

Mod Disabled

Emitted by Vortex when a mod is toggled from enabled to disabled.

Name mod-disabled
Parameters (profileId: string, modId: string)

Example'mod-disabled', (profileId, modId) => console.log(`Mod ${modId} disabled in ${profileId}`) 

Mod Content Changed

Emitted when Vortex determines the files inside a mod were changed (files might have been deleted or added). Primarily useful to update caches.

Name mod-content-changed
Parameters (profileId: string, modId: string)

Example'mod-content-changed', (profileId, modId) => console.log(`Mod ${modId} in ${profileId} changed`) 

Will Purge

Emitted by Vortex before purging deployed mods.

Name will-purge
Parameters (profileId: string, deployment: IDeployment)

Example'will-purge', (profileId, deployment) => console.log(`Preparing to purge on profile ${profileId}`) 

Did Purge

Emitted by Vortex after purging deployed mods.

Name did-purge
Parameters (profileId: string)

Example'did-purge', (profileId) => console.log(`Finished purge on profile ${profileId}`) 


Start Download URL

Instruct Vortex to download the file at a given URL and name the resulting file.

Name start-download-url
Parameters (url: string, fileName: string)

Example'start-download-url', url, fileName);

Show Balloon

Instruct Vortex to display a notification to the user.

Name show-balloon
Parameters (title: string, content: string)

Example'show-balloon', title, content);

Deploy Mods

Instruct Vortex to deploy all mods for the active profile. This is an asynchronous function. Instruct Vortex to display a notification to the user.

Name deploy-mods
Parameters (callback: (err: Error) => void, profileId?: string, progressCB?: (text: string, percent: number) => void)

Example'deploy-mods', (err) => console.warn(`Error deploying mods \n${err}` );

Deploy Single Mod

Instruct Vortex to asynchronously deploy all files from a single mod, ignoring file conflicts. This command should only be used in very specific cases.

Name deploy-single-mod
Parameters (gameId: string, modId: string, enable?: boolean)


context.api.emitAndAwait('deploy-single-mod', gameId, modId, enable);

Purge Mods In Path

Instruct Vortex to asynchronously purge a specific mod type, overriding the deployment target. This is intended to be used to clean up when an upgrade to a game extension changed the way mods get deployed such that the deployment target the new version would dynamically generate doesn't match where the old version deployed to.

Name purge-mods-in-path
Parameters (gameId: string, modType: string, modPath: string)


context.api.emitAndAwait('purge-mods-in-path', gameId, modType, modPath);

Purge Mods

Instruct Vortex to purge the currently deployed mods.

Name purge-mods
Parameters (allowFallback: boolean, callback: (err: Error) => void)

Example'purge-mods', true, (err) => console.warn(`Purge mods error \n ${err}`));

Start Install

Instruct Vortex to start installing an archive as a mod.

Name start-install
Parameters (archivePath: string, callback: (err: Error, modId: string) => void)

Example'start-install', archivePath,
    (err, modId) => console.log(`Created Mod ${modId} from archive at ${archivePath}`) 

Start Install Download

Instruct Vortex to start installing a file that has been downloaded through Vortex.

Name start-install
Parameters (downloadId: string, allowAutoEnable: boolean, callback: (err: Error, modId: string) => void, forceInstaller: string)

Example'start-install-download', downloadId, allowAutoEnable,
    (err, modId) => console.log(`Created Mod ${modId} from download Id ${downloadId}`)

Remove Mod

Instruct Vortex to delete a mod. This is not reversible.

Name remove-mod
Parameters (gameMode: string, modId: string, callback: (err: Error) => void)

Example'remove-mod', gameMode, modId, (err) => console.log(`Mod deleted $(modId)`));

Create Mod

Instruct Vortex to create a new, empty mod.

Name create-mod
Parameters (gameMode: string, mod: IMod, callback: (err: Error) => void)

Example'create-mod', gameMode, mod, (err) => console.log('Created a new mod');

Update Categories

Instruct Vortex to make changes to the categories for a game, optionally completely overwriting them.

Name update-categories
Parameters (gameId: string, categories: { [id: string]: ICategory }, isUpdate: boolean)

Example'update-categories', gameId, categories, isUpdate);

Activate Game

Instruct Vortex to switch the currently managed game.

Name activate-game
Parameters (gameId: string)

Example'activate-game', gameId);

Check Mods Version

Instruct Vortex to check for updates on the specified mods.

Name check-mods-version
Parameters (gameId: string, mods: { [id: string]: IMod }, forceFull: boolean)
Notes If forceFull is false (or undefined) Vortex may use cached data for this update check. This is to prevent using more requests than necessary.

Example'check-mods-version', gameId, mods, forceFull);

Nexus Download

Instruct Vortex to asynchronously download a file from Nexus Mods.

Name nexus-download
Parameters (gameId: string, modId: string, fileId: string)


context.api.emitAndAwait('nexus-download', gameId, modId, fileId);

Endorse Nexus Mod

Instruct Vortex to asynchronously send an endorsement to Nexus Mods.

Name endorse-nexus-mod
Parameters (gameId: string, nexusModId: number, version: string, endorsedStatus: EndorsedStatus)


context.api.emitAndAwait('endorse-nexus-mod', gameId, nexusModId, version, endorsedStatus);

Endorse Mod

Instruct Vortex to toggle the endorsement status of a mod locally.

Name endorse-mod
Parameters (gameId: string, modId: string, endorsedStatus: EndorsedStatus)

Example'endorse-mod', gameId, modId, endorsedStatus);

Submit Feedback

Instruct Vortex to toggle the send feedback to the Nexus Mods team. It is unlikely this will need to be used by a user extension.

Name submit-feedback
Parameters (title: string, message: string, hash: string, feedbackFiles: string[], anonymous: boolean, callback: (err: Error, response?: IFeedbackResponse) => void)

Example'submit-feedback', title, message, hash, feedbackFiles, anonymous, 
    (err, response) => console.log('Feedback response', response)

Mod Update

Instruct Vortex to update a mod which is showing an update pending.

Name mod-update
Parameters (gameId: string, modId: string, fileId: string)

Example'mod-update', gameId, modId, fileId);

Open Mod Page

Instruct Vortex to update the listed download page for the selected mod.

Name open-mod-page
Parameters (gameId: string, modId: string, source: string)
Notes If the mod is not from Nexus Mods, your extension will need to handle these events.

Example'open-mod-page', gameId, modId, source);

Enable Download Watch

Instruct Vortex to start or stop watching the downloads folder for newly added files.

Name enable-download-watch
Parameters (enabled: boolean)
Notes When importing mods, if you intend to create database entries for the archives yourself, it may make sense to disable this but make sure to re-enable afterwards and to have a modal dialog to prevent the user from manually adding files while this is disabled.

Example'enable-download-watch', enabled);

Autosort Plugins

Intruct Vortex to run the autosort operation for an active Gamebyro game.

Name autosort-plugins
Parameters (manual: boolean, callback: (err: Error) => void)

Example'autosort-plugins', manual, (err) => console.log('Autosorting'));

Show Main Page

Intruct Vortex to display the specified page of the app (e.g. Mods, Downloads, Settings).

Name show-main-page
Parameters (pageId: string)
Notes To show a custom page you'll first need to register it.

Example'show-main-page', pageId);

Show Modal

Intruct Vortex to display the specified modal box.

Name show-modal
Parameters (id: string)
Notes To show a custom modal you'll first need to register it.

Example'show-modal', id);

Import Downloads

Intruct Vortex to copy the listed files into your active downloads directory.

Name import-downloads
Parameters (downloadPaths: string[])

Example'import-downloads', downloadPaths);

Remove Download

Intruct Vortex to delete a download from your active downloads directory.

Name remove-download
Parameters (downloadId: string)

Example'remove-download', downloadId);

Pause Download

Intruct Vortex to pause an active download.

Name pause-download
Parameters (downloadId: string)

Example'pause-download', downloadId);

Resume Download

Instruct Vortex to resume a paused download.

Name resume-download
Parameters (downloadId: string, callback: (err: Error, id: string) => void)

Example'resume-download', downloaded (err, id) => console.log(`Resumed download ${id}`));

Start Download

Instruct Vortex to start a download from the internet to your active downloads directory.

Name start-download
Parameters (urls: string[], modInfo: any, fileName: string, callback: (err: Error, id: string) => void, redownload: RedownloadMode)
Note Multiple URLs can be specified to download from multiple sources or to have a fallback if one doesn't work, however this currently has no effect.

Example'start-download', urls, modInfo, fileName, 
    (err, id) => console.log('Starting download', id), redownload

Quick Launch

Instruct Vortex to run the primary executable/tool for the active game.

Name quick-launch
Parameters none


Trigger Test Run

Instruct Vortex to start run validity checks that find problems with the setup of Vortex or the game.

Name trigger-test-run
Parameters (eventType: string, delay: number)
Notes If you would like to include your own tests, you will first need to register them.

Example'trigger-test-run', eventType, delay);

Install Extension

Instruct Vortex to asynchronously install an extension.

Name install-extension
Parameters (extensionInfo: IExtensionDownloadInfo)


context.api.emitAndWait('install-extension', extensionInfo);

Browse For Download

Intruct Vortex to open the built-in web browser to a specified page, then exit once a file download is started. You may also add instructions that will appear above the browser window.

Name browse-for-download
Parameters (url: string, instructions: string)


context.api.emitAndWait('browse-for-download', url, instructions);

Open Knowledge Base

Intruct Vortex to open the Knowledge Base tab to a specified wiki page.

Name open-knowledge-base
Parameters (wikiId: string)


context.api.emitAndWait('open-knowledge-base', wikiId);

Internal Events

As these events are not intended to be used by 3rd party developers (and can easily be misused) they are not fully documented here.

  • report-feedback
  • report-log-error
  • start-quick-discovery
  • start-discovery
  • cancel-discovery
  • await-activation
  • quickbms-operation
  • set-plugin-list
  • select-theme
  • show-modal
  • refresh-main-page
  • did-update-masterlist
  • apply-settings
  • edit-mod-cycle
  • force-unblock-elevating
  • manually-set-game-location
  • retrieve-category-list
  • request-nexus-login
  • request-own-issues
  • bake-settings
  • refresh-game-info
  • refresh-downloads
  • plugin-details




  • Troubleshooting
  • Developers

Baldur's Gate 3

  • Troubleshooting
  • Developers
  • Valheim
  • Bannerlord


  • BepInEx



Outdated Documentation


The below documentation has not been checked for quality since migrating to GitHub Wiki and the information contained is potentially out of date and\or repeated. (Users)


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Game Guides

Troubleshooting (Developers)




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