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CIRN repository help

Allison Penko edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 10 revisions

Steps to INITIALLY checkout, change, and push changes to CIRN Github

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(1) Go to the location on your local machine where you want to put the repository

$ cd your/development/folder

(2) Clone the most updated repository to your local machine

$ git clone 


$ git clone 

(3) CHOOSE OPTION (A) or (B) depending on your goal:

(A) Checkout the master for a most recent release to run the code

$ git checkout master 

run code as you’d like

(B) Checkout the Development branch to add your features or make edits to existing development code

$ git checkout development 

Make your own branch for editing

$ git branch your_branch_name

$ git checkout your_branch_name

Check to make sure you’re editing your branch

$ git branch -v 

Add files to git version control

$ git add new_file.txt

commit your changes locally (to be able to come back to that point at any time)

$ git commit -a -m "Describe your changes"

Once you are satisfied with all your changes, PUSH your branch to the online repository

$ git push origin your_branch_name

IF already cloned previously and made your own branch, DO THIS

(1) Go to the location on your local machine where you previously put the repository

$ cd your/development/folder

(2) Checkout your most recent version

$ git checkout your_branch_name

(3) Pull any recent changes to the development branch

$ git pull origin development

(4) Check to make sure you’re editing your branch

$ git branch -v 

(5) Add files to git version control

$ git add new_file.txt

(6) commit your changes locally (to be able to come back to that point at any time)

$ git commit -a -m "Describe your changes"

(7) Once you are satisfied with all your changes, PUSH your branch to the online repository

$ git push origin your_branch_name

(8) NOW you think your changes are worthy to be merged to the development branch

  • Go to the code tab of the GitHub repository (i.e.,
  • change the working branch to your_branch_name
  • click “New pull request”
  • change base branch to “development”
  • edit description of your changes and WHY your code should be merged
  • click “create pull request”
  • wait for an admin to approve your request or request further information
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