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Unity Things
- Assets
- Dynamic Assets
- Editor
- Extensions
- Fonts
- Plugins
- Resources
- Prefabs
- Scenes
- Scripts
- Common
- Context InGame Main OutGame Crypto Library Log Model Service Agent Utils Shaders Standard Assets Tests Textures Data Documents ProjectSettings
- UnityEngine
- UnityEditor
- UnityEngine.UI
- System
- System.Collections
- System.Collections.Generic
- {ProjectName}
- {ProjectName}/Scrits
- {ProjectName}/Resources
- {ProjectName}/External Resources
- {ProjectName}/Stream Resources
- {ProjectName}/Scenes
Reference : http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/comp-AssetsGroup.html
- Audio Clip
- Cubemap Texture
- Importing Models
- Models
- FBX Importer Rig Options
- FBX Importer Animations Tab
- Flare
- Text Asset
- Font
- Meshes
- Materials
- Procedural Material Assets
- RenderTextures
- 2D Textures
- Movie Textures
Object hierarchy Dont destory instance Singleton instance Hierarchy tree for state Hierarchy management
Handle new unity UI elements UI Canvas UI Rect Transform Anchors, Pivot, Rotation, Scale UI Button Transition(None, ColorTint, SpriteSwap, Animation) EventSystem Click trigger Make gameobject Add script public void functions Attach click event and function UI Image UI Text UI Events and Event Triggers UI Slider UI Transitions UI Scroll Rect UI Scrollbar UI Mask
Handle unity elements Layout Tags Input Manager Sprite Packer Sprite Editor AssetBundle NevMesh Collider with Trigger Particle Rigidbody2D, Collider2D ... Compare 3D or 2D elements Physics Materials Collider2D Circle, Box, Polygon, Edge Hinge Joint2D Spring Joint2D Distance Joint2D Resource load, unload, destory ... Single instance Monobehavior Gismo
Shader Official Built-in Shader(from Unity) Cg(C for graphics)
Physics NVIDIA PhyX
Architecture Inversion of Control frameworks for Unity StrangeIOC Zenject Lightweight IOC Inconspicuous.Framework Refactoring Architecture explorer VS2013 ultimate Crypto Base64 DES (CBC, TDES) SHA1, SHA256 MD5 Hash Data serialization Game data serialization/deserialization Need security protobuf-net
Managing Memory Types of memory application code managed heap native heap stack Memory leak detection Garbage collector Reference : http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/MobileProfiling.html Out of memory crashes Two big scenes being loaded at the same time - use an empty scene between two bigger ones to fix this. Additive scene loading - remove unused parts to maintain the memory size. Huge asset bundles loaded to the memory. Textures without proper compression (a no go for mobiles). Textures having Get/Set pixels enabled. This requires an uncompressed copy of the texture in memory. Textures loaded from JPEG/PNGs at runtime are essentially uncompressed. Big mp3 files marked as decompress on loading. Keeping unused assets in weird caches like statics monobehavior fileds, which are not cleared when changing scenes. Stack / Heap Boxing / Unboxing Confirm IL ILSpy ILDASM Build settings .Net subset .Net Using Mono project Open source github Custom build
Performance Measure performance Function performance measure (optional DEBUG) Unity Profiler : http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Profiler.html Cache mechnism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithms Least Recently Used (LRU) Pool Object pool Resource pool
Build & Deploy UnitTest Use Unity Test Tools Continues Integration build => test => reporting Auto deploy
Useful asset from AssetStore UnityVS Unity Test Tools "Unity UI":https://bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/ui CN Controls / TouchScript Create Script Dialog Code Architecture PSD Importer HyperViewes "RAIN AI":http://rivaltheory.com/ A* Pathfinding "StrangeIOC":http://strangeioc.github.io/strangeioc/ TexturePacker Importer UniRx Unity Remote Smart Localization LeanTween -iTween(iTween Visual Editor, iTween Path Editor)- -UIToolkit- -NI mate-
Managing Resources AssetBundle Load/Unload Prefabs
Managing Scene Performance Switching scene(Load, LoadAsync)
External tools Hyperviewer Unity TestSuite UnityVS UnityPsdImporter Texture Packer
Libraries Network Ligdren AI RAIN {Indie} FSM A* pathfinding UI iTween/HOTween/GOKit/LeanTween Tween Library Compare Popular Tween(GoKit, HOTween, iTween, LeanTween) Reference : http://dentedpixel.com/developer-diary/leantween-speed-comparison-to-itween/ Unity Project : TestingTweenEngines.zip Futile framework Control TouchControl(Double, Swipe, Touch ...) InputControl(Key, Device ...) Performance RXPerformance Object pool Prefactory Programming UniRx(Reactive programming for Unity) Linq
Analytics Google Analytics Flurry TestFilght
Ads Admob Facebook SDK Unity Ads SDK Everyplay
Externals Google Analytics Pmang Facebook Google+ Tweeter Kakao Google Play Game EveryPlay Parse.com SoundCloud Youtube Google API Google Maps Google Street View Unity Ads
Principle Physics Math 3D Position FSM A* Pathfinding 군집
Service Cloud service Interface with HTTP service Async request model Saving data client and server Sync data with interval
- UNITE Conference
- Unity5 Features
- Unity 2D
- Unity AI
- Unity Animation
- Unity AR(Augmented Reality)
- Unity Assets
- Unity Build
- Unity Cache Server
- Unity Crypto
- Unity Debug
- Unity Easing
- Unity Editor
- Unity Effects
- Unity External Device
- Unity Game Decompile
- Unity Game Logic
- Unity Graphics
- Unity Hardware
- Unity HoloLens
- Unity Library
- Unity Lighting
- Unity Live2D
- Unity Networking
- Unity Optimization
- Unity Particle System
- Unity Physics
- Unity Precedural
- Unity Profiler
- Unity Rendering
- Unity Service
- Unity Shader
- Unity Testing
- Unity Variation
- Unity Windows
- Unity Things