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SD logging on RevoMini boards

vierfuffzig edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

f4light_Revolution_SD - binaries add SD logging capabilities to Revomini boards, using the OPLink-port's pins to connect a (micro)SD adapter as SPI device. mind that SD cards generically use 3.3 V supply and signal level, while the OPLink port's Vcc pin is 5 V. so you can either use a 5V-compatible microSD-breakout-board with a 3.3V regulator and level shifter for solder-free port-to-pin connection, or grab 3.3 V at the Revolution's SWD + pad for direct connection of a microSD socket.

night-ghost has designed a special pcb-layout for a microSD socket neatly fitting the Revomini, get it here at oshpark.

OPLink-port's pinout as in board's readme:

1 - Gnd

2 - +5 V (!)

3 - detect (needs to be pulled to Gnd if not present on card socket)

4 - CS

5 - SCK

6 - MOSI

7 - MISO

Standard SD adapter's Pins:

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