- With PTI (Pivot Tuning Inversion)
- Global Direction Methods
- Explanation and instruction for module
- Colab notebook demo
$ sh build_img.sh
$ sh build_container.sh [container-name]
$ docker start [container-name]
$ docker attach [container-name]
$ pip install -v -e .
Download and save this pretrained weights in pretrained/
$ python extract.py
$ python extract.py --ckpt=pretrained/ffhq256.pkl --dataset_name=ffhq256
$ python manipulator.py extract
$ python manipulator.py extract --ckpt=pretrained/ffhq256.pkl --face_preprocess=True --dataset_name=ffhq256
- Scripts for CLI env will be added.
- Source image
- Input image projection
- Generate z from random seed
- Text description(neutral, target)
- Manipulation strength (alpha)
- Disentangle threshold (beta)
- Save generator checkpoint by generated by pivot tuning inversion(FFHQ)
- Global direction module refactoring(especially in gpu usage)