Releases: lasa01/Plumber
Releases · lasa01/Plumber
Decompiled models cache structure has changed. You will need to specify a new folder, older caches will not work anymore.
New features
- Major VMF model import performance increase: full import ~3 times faster than before.
- Indexed game files are now cached into memory.
- Operator user interface overhaul and console logging improvements.
- Previously imported images, materials and models in the .blend file can be now reused.
- Imported objects' origin is now at the center.
- Multiple VMTs can be imported at once.
- Option to import invisible brushes into a separate collection.
- Options to disable collision and LOD mesh skipping.
- Overlay import adjustments and better errors.
- Truncated datablock name prefix changed to "~".
- Handle changed Crowbar "Folder for each model" setting.
- Fixed an error in material emptiness check.
- Fixed a possible error in missing material logging.
- Accounted for Blender's duplicate suffixes in datablock name truncation target length.
- Fixed a typo in water normal map texture importing.
- Fixed fully truncated datablock names not using the truncation prefix.
- Fix errors with empty addon preferences.
- Fixed misleading error when a model isn't found.
- Decompiled models are now cached for each game definition in case different games have conflicts.
- Fixed errors when a scene doesn't have a world.
- Add missing interpolation option to AGR importer.
- Fixed errors related to case sensitive VMF parsing, now it's case insensitive.
- Fixed errors on invalid solids in Portal 2 VMFs, they are now skipped.
- Fixed "color syntax is invalid" errors by supporting yet another alternate syntax.
- Fixed an error when moving files related to decompiling of some models.
- Removed useless "Export VMF MDLs" operator.
Known issues
- Overlays spanning multiple faces may have incorrect normals.
You need to manually redo your game definitions if you're upgrading from 0.3.x or earlier!
- Fixed model decompiling not working when importing maps.
Known issues
- Overlays spanning multiple faces may have incorrect normals.
- Enhanced importers are missing some options found in original ones.
You need to manually redo your game definitions!
New features
- Option to optimize imported props (deletes useless armatures from static props).
- Blender Source Tools output is now silenced.
- Map import progress is now printed to console.
- Enhanced model importers are now combined, and .mdl files are decompiled and loaded with Blender Source Tools by default.
- Fixed error on unknown HDR formats.
- Fixed incorrect multi-face displacements.
- AGR importer now uses same names as the original one.
- Fixed errors with latest afx-blender-scripts.
- Fixed patch materials being disallowed in .vmt importer.
- Fixed QC import problems when the Scene Collection is selected.
- Fixed relative path handling in preferences.
- Fixed AGR visibility driver issues.
- Fixed missing materials console spam (now only reported once per material).
Known issues
- Overlays spanning multiple faces may have incorrect normals.
- Enhanced importers are missing some options found in original ones.
New features
- VMF sky importing (cubemaps are converted to Blender-compatible equirectangular format, target resolution can be specified).
- VMF 3D sky origin (sky_camera) can be imported; 3D sky can be manually selected and transformed to the correct position and scale with
Object -> Transform VMF 3D sky
. - Added support for "wildcard" directories in game definitions, such as the CS: Source "custom" directory.
- Enhanced importers cannot be used and are grayed out if the required addons are not installed and enabled.
- Enhanced .mdl importer (better materials) (requires SourceIO).
- VMF importer embedded files directory setting now supports relative paths.
- Fixed a VMF spotlight related parsing error.
- Fixed a VMF light related parsing error.
- Fixed material culling setting being ignored, culling being always enabled.
- Fixed $selfillum color in materials (not just white anymore).
- Fixed areaportal and occluder materials being visible.
- Fixed visible tool materials (such as toolsblack) being skipped when using the "skip tools" option (renamed "skip tools" to "skip invisible").
- Fixed unlit materials specularness.
- Fixed incorrect normals on some displacements.
- Fixed material importer ignoring files such as textures in the same directory (previously only searched game files).
- Fixed an error on some AGR imports.
- Too long names are now truncated, too long paths are replaced with an unique hash.
- All names are now case-insensitive.
- Fixed some non-lod meshes being skipped as lod meshes.
- Fixed previous successful model being used instead of the correct one if the correct model is not imported for some reason.
- Fixed some of the incorrect overlay normals.
- Fixed overlay import summary being printed when brush importing was disabled and overlay importing was left enabled.
Known issues
- Some props have wrong rotation.
- Overlays spanning multiple faces may have incorrect normals.
- Enhanced importers are missing some options found in original ones.
Old game definitions are not compatible and will be reset.
New features
- Prop animations are now imported.
- Selectable interpolation type for imported materials (requested by @filiperino).
- Option to allow the use of backface culling for imported materials.
- Support for multiple directories and VPK archives per game definition (requested by @filiperino).
- Fixed materials without $phong or $envmap being too reflective.
- Fixed washed out prop tint and light colors. (reported by @Devostated)
- Fixed $alphatestreference handling in materials.
- Fixed rotations on some props. (reported by @Devostated)
- Fixed overlay UVs. (reported by @Devostated)
- Fixed errors with Blender Source Tools 3.1.0. (reported by @Devostated)
- Added missing material settings to .qc importer.
- No longer tries to import overlays when brushes are not imported.
- Fixed imported brush face normals.
- Added missing descriptions.
- Fixed parsing of CS:S .vmf files (reported by @filiperino).
- Fixed parsing of certain .vmt files.
Known issues
- Some props have the wrong rotation. This seems to be a Blender Source Tools issue.
- Overlays have incorrect face normals.