released this
23 May 17:59
You need to manually redo your game definitions!
New features
Option to optimize imported props (deletes useless armatures from static props).
Blender Source Tools output is now silenced.
Map import progress is now printed to console.
Enhanced model importers are now combined, and .mdl files are decompiled and loaded with Blender Source Tools by default.
Fixed error on unknown HDR formats.
Fixed incorrect multi-face displacements.
AGR importer now uses same names as the original one.
Fixed errors with latest afx-blender-scripts.
Fixed patch materials being disallowed in .vmt importer.
Fixed QC import problems when the Scene Collection is selected.
Fixed relative path handling in preferences.
Fixed AGR visibility driver issues.
Fixed missing materials console spam (now only reported once per material).
Known issues
Overlays spanning multiple faces may have incorrect normals.
Enhanced importers are missing some options found in original ones.
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