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Web Explorer

Brandon edited this page Nov 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

Integration of custom controls in custom themes

Localization strings:

Web View Control

Plugin source name: WebExplorer

Name Description
BrowserHostViewControl Standard web view
BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl Web view without navigation controls and bookmarks visible. Intended for fullscreen themes so they can implement their own controls.

Control public properties

These properties are intended to be used by themes to implement support for the controls. They can be accessed by binding to the control Content property.

Property Type Default Description
IsControlVisible bool false Indicates if the control is visible
BrowserCommands ThemesWebHostControlCommandsForwarder - Object with public commands to control browser navigation
BrowserInformation ThemesWebHostControlInformationForwarder - Object with browser information
BookmarksWithCommand List<BookmarksWithCommand> - Bookmarks that include a command to browse to its address

Theme Integration examples:


  • If the browser is blurry, set SnapsToDevicePixels="True" UseLayoutRounding="True" to its parent panel.
  • A Height must be set to the controls


<StackPanel Name="WebExplorerPanel"
            Visibility="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostViewControl, Path=Content.IsControlVisible, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, TargetNullValue=Collapsed, FallbackValue=Collapsed}">
    <Label Content="Web" />
    <ContentControl x:Name="WebExplorer_BrowserHostViewControl"
                    Margin="0,10,0,0" />


<StackPanel Visibility="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.IsControlVisible, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, TargetNullValue=Collapsed, FallbackValue=Collapsed}"
            SnapsToDevicePixels="True" UseLayoutRounding="True">
    <Grid Name="Header">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

        <DockPanel Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="5,35,5,5" >
            <ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.GoBackCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
                Width="40" Margin="5">
                <TextBlock Text="&#xEA5C;" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            <ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.GoForwardCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}"
                Width="40" Margin="5">
                <TextBlock Text="&#xEA5D;" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

            <ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Right"
                Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.OpenAddressExternallyCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}" 
                Width="40" Margin="5">
                <TextBlock Text="&#xEF1F;" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

            <ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Right"
                Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.ReloadCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}" 
                Width="40" Margin="5">
                <TextBlock Text="&#xEFD1;" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

            <ButtonEx DockPanel.Dock="Right"
                Content="&#xEFE9;" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}"
                Command="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserCommands.NavigateToCurrentAddressCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}" 
                Width="40" Margin="5">
                <TextBlock Text="&#xEFE9;" FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontIcoFont}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

            <Viewbox Width="40" Height="20" Margin="5" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                    Visibility="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserInformation.IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, TargetNullValue=Collapsed, FallbackValue=Collapsed}"
                <Path Stroke="White" Fill="White" StrokeThickness="0.0"
                    Data="F1 M 13.75 6.875 L 13.75 9.375 C 13.75 9.544271 13.68815 9.690756 13.564453 9.814453 C 13.440755 9.938151 13.294271 10 13.125 10 L 10.625 10 C 10.455729 10 10.309244 9.938151 10.185547 9.814453 C 10.061849 9.690756 10 9.544271 10 9.375 C 10 9.205729 10.061849 9.059245 10.185547 8.935547 C 10.309244 8.81185 10.455729 8.75 10.625 8.75 L 11.875 8.75 C 11.5625 8.359375 11.194661 8.053386 10.771484 7.832031 C 10.348307 7.610678 9.882812 7.5 9.375 7.5 C 9.016927 7.5 8.683268 7.552084 8.374023 7.65625 C 8.064778 7.760418 7.78483 7.908529 7.53418 8.100586 C 7.283528 8.292644 7.062174 8.522136 6.870117 8.789062 C 6.67806 9.05599 6.520182 9.352214 6.396484 9.677734 C 6.344401 9.807943 6.267903 9.912109 6.166992 9.990234 C 6.066081 10.068359 5.94401 10.107422 5.800781 10.107422 C 5.63151 10.107422 5.485026 10.047201 5.361328 9.926758 C 5.23763 9.806315 5.175781 9.661459 5.175781 9.492188 C 5.175781 9.433594 5.185547 9.36849 5.205078 9.296875 C 5.335286 8.847656 5.538737 8.435873 5.81543 8.061523 C 6.092122 7.687175 6.417643 7.364909 6.791992 7.094727 C 7.166341 6.824545 7.574869 6.616211 8.017578 6.469727 C 8.460286 6.323242 8.91276 6.25 9.375 6.25 C 9.960938 6.25 10.525716 6.362305 11.069336 6.586914 C 11.612955 6.811523 12.089844 7.135417 12.5 7.558594 C 12.5 7.5 12.498372 7.438151 12.495117 7.373047 C 12.491861 7.307943 12.490234 7.239584 12.490234 7.167969 C 12.490234 7.057292 12.496744 6.948242 12.509766 6.84082 C 12.522786 6.733398 12.550455 6.635742 12.592773 6.547852 C 12.63509 6.459961 12.698566 6.388347 12.783203 6.333008 C 12.867838 6.27767 12.981771 6.25 13.125 6.25 C 13.294271 6.25 13.440755 6.31185 13.564453 6.435547 C 13.68815 6.559245 13.75 6.705729 13.75 6.875 Z M 13.535156 11.894531 C 13.535155 11.959636 13.522135 12.027995 13.496094 12.099609 C 13.326822 12.542318 13.10384 12.942709 12.827148 13.300781 C 12.550455 13.658854 12.231445 13.963217 11.870117 14.213867 C 11.508789 14.464519 11.113281 14.658203 10.683594 14.794922 C 10.253906 14.931641 9.804688 15 9.335938 15 C 8.75651 15 8.199869 14.88444 7.666016 14.65332 C 7.132161 14.422201 6.660156 14.101562 6.25 13.691406 C 6.25 13.75 6.251627 13.81185 6.254883 13.876953 C 6.258138 13.942058 6.259766 14.010417 6.259766 14.082031 C 6.259766 14.192709 6.253255 14.303386 6.240234 14.414062 C 6.227213 14.52474 6.197917 14.624023 6.152344 14.711914 C 6.106771 14.799805 6.043294 14.869792 5.961914 14.921875 C 5.880534 14.973959 5.768229 15 5.625 15 C 5.455729 15 5.309245 14.938151 5.185547 14.814453 C 5.061849 14.690756 5 14.544271 5 14.375 L 5 11.875 C 5 11.770834 5.024414 11.676433 5.073242 11.591797 C 5.12207 11.507162 5.183919 11.437175 5.258789 11.381836 C 5.333659 11.326498 5.419922 11.28418 5.517578 11.254883 C 5.615234 11.225586 5.712891 11.210938 5.810547 11.210938 C 5.895182 11.210938 5.973307 11.223959 6.044922 11.25 L 8.125 11.25 C 8.294271 11.25 8.440755 11.31185 8.564453 11.435547 C 8.68815 11.559245 8.75 11.705729 8.75 11.875 C 8.75 12.044271 8.68815 12.190756 8.564453 12.314453 C 8.440755 12.438151 8.294271 12.5 8.125 12.5 L 6.875 12.5 C 7.19401 12.910156 7.569986 13.221029 8.00293 13.432617 C 8.435872 13.644206 8.91276 13.75 9.433594 13.75 C 9.759114 13.75 10.061849 13.701172 10.341797 13.603516 C 10.621744 13.505859 10.895182 13.365886 11.162109 13.183594 C 11.461588 12.975261 11.695963 12.755534 11.865234 12.524414 C 12.034505 12.293295 12.184244 12.011719 12.314453 11.679688 C 12.366535 11.55599 12.44466 11.455078 12.548828 11.376953 C 12.652994 11.298828 12.773438 11.259766 12.910156 11.259766 C 13.085938 11.259766 13.234049 11.323242 13.354492 11.450195 C 13.474934 11.577148 13.535155 11.725261 13.535156 11.894531 Z "
                        <RotateTransform x:Name="LoadingSpinnerTransform" Angle="0"/>

                        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Path.Loaded">
                                <Storyboard RepeatBehavior="Forever">
                                            From="0" To="360"
                                            Duration="0:0:1" />

            <TextBox x:Name="AddressBar"
                Text="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BrowserInformation.Address, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, TargetNullValue='', FallbackValue=''}"
                Margin="5" />
        <DockPanel Grid.Row="1" Margin="7,5,10,5">
            <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl, Path=Content.BookmarksWithCommand, TargetNullValue={x:Null}, FallbackValue={x:Null}}" DockPanel.Dock="Top" Background="Transparent">
                        <WrapPanel />
                        <ButtonEx Command="{Binding NavigateToAddressCommand}"
                                CommandParameter="{Binding Address}"
                                ToolTip="{Binding Address}"
                                Padding="0" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
                            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                                <Image Source="{Binding IconPath, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource ImageStringToImageConverterCached}}"
                                    Width="16" Height="16" Stretch="Uniform" Margin="5"/>
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5"/>
    <ContentControl x:Name="WebExplorer_BrowserHostOnlyBrowserVisibleControl"
                    Margin="0,10,0,0" />