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Splash Screen

Brandon edited this page Jan 7, 2023 · 6 revisions


This extension can show an intro video and an image when starting a game.

Videos can be configured:

For specific game
For specific game source
For specific platform
For specific Playnite mode (Desktop/Fullscreen)

If videos are enabled, the extension will look in the mentioned order to show a video and play it if available.

For the splash image, the extension will try to use the image in the following order:

Game background image
From configured background image of the game platform
Use a generic Playnite image [made by aeronius](

Splash images can be configured to show the logo on top if it has been added by the Extra Metadata Tools extension.

Extension behavior can be configured independently for Playnite Desktop and Fullscreen modes.

Notes (Please read):

  • Video support requires that Window Media Player is installed in your system.
  • Videos need to be mp4 format. For supported videos, I can only confirm that videos with h264 codec, yuv420 color space and mp3 audio are supported so if your video isn't playing you should encode it with those specifications.
  • Videos will lock Playnite until they finish playing so be sure to only use short videos, as intended.
  • Please be aware that certain launchers like Amazon games will steal focus when launching games from it and will show over the splash image and nothing can be done as an attempt to fix it. Please understand that there will always be edge cases that the extension has no control over.

Pre-made videos download

Videos are not playing

First verify that Windows Media Player is installed in your system. If it's not installed you can install it from here.

If you have verified that it is installed and videos are not playing, your video may be unsupported and needs to be converted. Proceed to the next section.

How to convert videos to a compatible format

Videos with the following specifications are confirmed to work:

codec_name : h264
pix_fmt    : yuv420

If your video doesn't meet those specifications then it's not guaranteed that the video will be supported.

You can convert the video to guarantee that the video will be supported. The ffmpeg.exe executable is needed for this. It can be downloaded from:

Run the following in a powershell window, replacing the specific paths with your own:

# Replace with your information
$ffmpegPath = "C:\Path\To\ffmpeg.exe"
$videoSourcePath = "C:\Path\To\sourceVideo.ext"
$videoDestinationPath = "C:\Path\To\DestinationVideo.mp4"

# Process Video
$arguments = @("-y", "-i", "`"$videoSourcePath`"", "-c:v", "libx264", "-c:a", "mp3", "-vf", "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-f", "mp4", "`"$videoDestinationPath`"")
Start-Process -FilePath $ffmpegPath -ArgumentList $arguments

How to know the specifications of your video file

The ffprobe.exe executable is needed for this. It can be downloaded from:

Run the following in a powershell window, replacing the specific paths with your own:

# Replace with your information
$ffprobePath = "C:\Path\To\ffprobe.exe"
$videoSourcePath = "C:\Path\To\sourceVideo.ext"

# Process Video
$arguments = @("-v", "error", "-select_streams", "v:0", "-show_entries", "stream=width,height, codec_name, pix_fmt, duration", "-of", "json", "`"$videoSourcePath`"")
(& $ffProbePath $arguments | ConvertFrom-Json).streams