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item effects

Chris Frantz edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Item Effects

The Item Effects editor allows you to control which effects the fetch-quest items have in Zelda 2.

Unlike the conventional items (such as the Candle or Raft), the fetch quest items aren't really part of Link's inventory. Instead, they are part of a set of per-town condition satisfiers.

The fetch-quest items activate different condition satifiers in each town:

Item Condition Town
Trophy bit 4 Ruto
Medicine bit 6 Mido
Child bit 5 Darunia
7 Magic Containers bit 3 New Kasuto

These conditions are evaluated by the various townsfolk when Link speaks to them.

Condition Satisfiers

Each town has eight bits worth of condition satisfiers. Townspeople #9 to #12 can evaluate the conditions and speak different dialogs depending on whether the conditions are met.

Normally, the Condition Satisfier bits are set by speaking to other NPCs in that same town. Acquiring a fetch-quest items has the side-effect of setting a satisfier bit in a specific town.

The following table shows which bits get set by NPCs:

Bit Townsperson
bit 7 Townsperson #19
bit 6 Townsperson #20
bit 5 Townsperson #21
bit 4 Townsperson #22
bit 3 Townsperson #6
bit 2 Townsperson #7
bit 1 Townsperson #8
bit 0 Townsperson #23 (Mirror/Water/Invisible dialog)


In the Vanilla game, the Red Lady in Ruto (Townsperson #12) grants you access to the Jump spell if you have the Trophy. Collecting the Trophy sets satisifier bit 4 in Ruto. As we can see, Red Lady #12 in Ruto depends on bit 4 to grant access to her house.


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