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experience table

Chris Frantz edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Experience Table

The Experience Table allows you to control the properties of the game which change with Link's experience level.


Attack & Damage Properties

  • Sword Power controls how much damage Link's sword deals to enemies.
  • Small Damage controls the amount of damage small enemies deal to Link.
  • Large Damage controls the amount of damage large enemies deal to Link.

Spell Costs

The Spell Costs table controls how much each spell costs at each magic level. Note that the spell costs are encoded as twice the value displayed in the game (e.g. at magic 8, Jump costs 8 points, but is stored as 16 in the table).

The Spell Effects table controls the effect that each spell has. This field is a bitmap, and The vanilla configuration is that each entry in the table has the corresponding bit set for that spell. If you set multiple bits, then that spell will have the effect for each corresponding bit.

For example, if you were to set Fairy to 9, then casting fairy would have the effect of casting Fairy (8) and Shield (1) at the same time.

XP for Next Level

The XP for Next Level table controls how many experience points are requred to level up to the next Attack, Magic or Life level.

You may set these to any value, however:

  • The game will always display 0 for the ones digit.
  • The game will not display values above 9990 correctly Values above 10000 will cause the game to roll the thousands digit into letters.

For example, a points value of 12345 will be displayed as C340: 12 minus 9 is C, and the five is displayed as 0 because the game always displays a zero in the ones place.

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