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RUA: Secondary Fire

Chris Cantwell edited this page Sep 12, 2016 · 1 revision

RUA: Secondary Fire - Product Spec

Authors: Chris Cantwell

Date: [9/10/2016]


The Reconfigurable Universal Accelerator (RUA) feature allows the player to propel some "fuel" in order to move throughout a level as well as damage enemies and induce changes in the level environment. The device can be configured to propel different types of fuel that can have different effects. Secondary Fire will allow the player to use a larger amount of fuel to fire a projectile that has a secondary effect.


Secondary fire will allow the player some variety in the use of the RUA. Secondary Fire mode will consume a larger amount of fuel in order to propel a Black Hole Bomb that will collapse and form a black hole upon reaching the target location.


  • Secondary Fire (Right Mouse Click)

    • Uses a large amount of dark matter

    • Black Hole Bomb

      • Fires a ball of dense matter that collapses into a black hole (spec) upon reaching the targeted location.


  • Secondary Fire

  • Collapse to Black Hole


Alice is playing Spark and decides to see if the right mouse button does anything. To her delight she sees a different type of projectile fly from the barrel of her RUA, accompanied by a larger reduction in her fuel reservoir. The ball collapses into a black hole upon reaching the destination and Alice notices that her ship and nearby asteroids are being drawn toward it.

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