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Rolls dice for any Year Zero roleplaying game.


!roll|r [game] <dice...> [arguments...]
!roll|r init
  • !roll init is a shortcut for !roll d6 but for initiative.
Argument Description
[game] Specifies the game you are using. Can be omitted if you set it with !setconf. (Default is "myz".)
<dice> Syntax of the dice to roll. See below.
-name|-n|-#|# <name> Defines a name for the roll.
-push|-p <number> Changes the maximum number of allowed pushes.
-fullauto|-fa|-f "Full-auto", unlimited number of pushes. (Still limited to a maximum of 10 pushes.)
-mod <±X> or just ±X Applies a difficulty modifier of +X or -X to the roll.
-pride Adds a D12 Artifact Die to the roll.
-nerves|-nerve Applies the talent Nerves of Steel (Alien RPG).
-minpanic <value> Adjusts a minimum treshold for multiple consecutive panic effects (Alien RPG).

Dice Syntax

D6, D66 or D666 Roll

!roll d6
!roll d66
!roll d666

Generic Roll

!roll <[X]d[Y][±Z]...>

Rolls X dice of range Y, modified by +Z or -Z.

Example: !roll d20+3d4-2

Year Zero Roll

!roll <number><b|s|n|g|d|a>
!roll <a|d><6|8|10|12>

Use a number in any combinations with these letters:

Letter Dice Types Example
b Base dice (attributes) !roll 5b
s Skill dice (or Stress dice for Alien RPG) !roll 3s
n Negative dice (MYZ and FBL only) !roll 2n
d Generic dice (or Ammo dice for Twilight 2000) !roll 6d
a Ammo dice (Twilight 2000 only) !roll 4a
a8 or d8 D8 Artifact die (see FBL) !roll a8
a10 or d10 D10 Artifact die (see FBL) !roll a10
a12 or d12 D12 Artifact die (see FBL) !roll d12

Example: !roll 5b 3s 2g

Twilight 2000 4E Roll

In addition, the bot recognizes the following syntax for Twilight 2000 4E:

  • d12 or a → D12 (attribute or skill)
  • d10 or b → D10 (attribute or skill)
  • d8 or c → D8 (attribute or skill)
  • d6 or d → D6 (attribute or skill)
  • Xd or Xa → X Ammo dice

Example: !rw a b 3d


  • A maximum of 42 dice can be rolled at once: If you try to roll more, it won't happen.

Reaction Menu

  • Click 🔄 to push the roll.
  • (Coriolis only) Click 🙏 to Pray the Icons (+1D).
  • (Coriolis only) Click 🕌 if you Prayed the Icons in a chapel (+2D).
  • Click ❌ to clear the reaction menu.

The reaction menu is available for 2 minutes.
Only the user who initially rolled the dice can push them.

Shortcut Commands

Instead of typing !roll [game] <dice> you can use one of the following shortcut commands to omit the [game] argument.

For example, !rf 4b 3s is the same as !roll fbl 4b 3s.

Game Command Alias
Mutant: Year Zero !rollmyz !rollm or !rm
Forbidden Lands !rollfbl !rollf or !rf
Alien RPG !rollalien !rolla or !ra
Twilight 2000 4E !rolltwilight !rollt2k, !rollw or !rw
Coriolis !rollcoriolis !rollc or !rc
Tales From The Loop !rolltales !rollt or !rt
Vaesen !rollvaesen !rollv or !rv


  • !roll 4b1g → Rolls 4 base and 1 gear dice.
  • !roll 5b 3s # Shake-It Off! → Rolls 5 base, 3 skill dice, named "Shake-It Off!".
  • !rf 4b3s 2g d10 # Uber ROLL -f → Rolls 4 base, 3 skill, 2 gear dice and a D10 Artifact Die. The roll is named "Uber ROLL" and can be pushed any number of times. Uses Forbidden Lands skin for the dice.
  • !rf 4b 2n -pride → Takes 4 base dice and 2 negative dice (Forbidden Lands), adds a D12 Artifact Die, and rolls them all.
  • !roll 3b 2b 1b 2s 1s 1g 1g → Rolls (3+2+1) base dice, (2+1) skills dice and (1+1) gear dice.
  • !rc 4d -p 0 → Rolls 4 dice for Coriolis and the roll can't be pushed.
  • !rv 6d -p 2 → Rolls 6 dice for Vaesen and the roll can be pushed twice.
  • !ra 8b 2s → Rolls 8 base and 2 stress dice for the Alien RPG. Pushing them will add an extra stress die.
  • !roll d66 → Rolls a D66 (D6 × 10 + D6).
  • !roll 2d6 → Rolls two hexahedrons.
  • !roll 2d → Rolls two skill dice or, if Twilight 2000, two Ammo dice.
  • !roll d2 → Rolls a d2 (a coin).
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