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Welcome to SEEEDS (1)

Rieki (SEEEDS.IO) edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 1 revision

Sowing Ecologically, Economically & Equitably Decentralized Societies

By the People, For the Planet

*flourish - verb: grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment.

SEEEDS is shortened to SEEDS throughout this document.

Our purpose is creating a more beautiful, healthy, free, and connected-society where humanity and life on our planet can more easily flourish.

We are at a critical moment of cultural and technological evolution. We are at the cusps of planetary, environmental, economic and societal crisis. A minor adjustment in course will no longer deter or delay the challenges we face, and "business as usual" will likely end in catastrophe.

We at SEEDS believe that within these crisis exists a powerful opportunity for us to radically redesign our societies to be more equitable, prosperous and healthier (for ourselves and our planet).

The foundations of any society are in how we feed ourselves and how we interact with each other.

SEEDS directs our focus towards providing new systems of exchange, food creation, and inter-being.

The purpose of this paper is to explain these new designs, how we intend to create this new economy and how you can join the renaissance!

SEEDS is about building the "more beautiful world our hearts know is possible." -Charles Eisenstein

Welcome to SEEDS

In the coming pages we'll explore and introduce the SEEDS Ecosystem. We decided to use Notion for its ability to readily hide and display information.

This way you can easily identify the topics most important to you and go as deep as you'd like.

It is also designed to be read as a standard document, one page at a time.

This is a growing, evolving, open-sourced and collaborative document. Aligned with the ethos of collaboration we evolve this document when better ideas are brought forward and the vision grows.

We highly encourage you to share your comments, suggestions, thoughts and feelings about anything presented in this vision; either on Notion itself, directly to [email protected], or the Partner who shared it with you.

Thank you for joining us.

SEEDS design is inspired by the disciplines of sacred geometry, game theory, sacred economics, Austrian economics, sociocracy, biomimicry, systems theory, decentralization, distributed ledgers, polycentric governance, blockchain and permaculture.

Utilizing these schools of thought, SEEDS aims to restructure and evolve not just one aspect of our present society, but focuses on realigning the fundamental elements:

  • Our economic systems with the 'SEEDS Economy' & 'SEEDS Apps';
  • Our businesses and organizations with the 'DAC';
  • Our monetary systems with 'Seeds';
  • and our food systems with 'Light Food' and the 'Local Food Movement.'

We approach this redesign by mimicking natural systems, such as forests.

SEEDS is a design where:

  • each important function is supported by many elements;
  • each element serves many functions;
  • value is stored and recycled and not leeched by larger parasitic systems;
  • feedback loops are present and reactive;
  • the system is self-sustaining and evolving;
  • each element has a life-cycle and is designed to adapt to the changing environment;
  • cooperation and mutualism is most heavily encouraged and supported, as well as healthy competition;
  • we align with- not against- our natural world;
  • diversity and layering is encouraged and rewarded;
  • the economy works to restore rather than deplete the earth and its people;
  • the greater natural systems in which SEEDS operates are supported and made healthier.

These and other reasons, are why we call SEEDS an ‘Ecosystem’.

Fortunately, the majority of the heavy lifting required to create these systems already exist. SEEDS is simply a system of bringing them together so we can realize a higher potential.