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Wild Tsay Seed

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 19 revisions

 Wild Tsay Seed is a common farmable.
Can be sold for 4 pixels.
Grows bitter-sour tsay fruits that when cooked properly can taste like meat.

Race descriptions: (Expand 8 items)
  • Alta: I wonder if wild tsays taste differently from farmed ones. Welp, perhaps it's time to find out!
  • Apex: If I cook this fruit, it'll taste like chicken.
  • Avian: I don't really like the taste on this one.
  • Floran: Floran likessss cooked tsayssss, they tasssste like meat!
  • Glitch: Confused. Tsays look both green when ripe and when not. How am I supposed to tell?
  • Human: Is this a lemon?
  • Hylotl: Tsays can be sweet, but mostly they just taste bitter and sour. Great spice for a meal.
  • Novakid: Heard this one's a doozy!
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • I See That You'Ve Discovered Some Seeds. I Suggest Planting Them In Some Tilled Soil, And Watering Them Until They Grow. The Tools You Need Can Be Built At A Foraging Table.

This object doesn't drop itself when broken.


Full list of possible loot: (Expand many items)

Contains following harvest loot:

  • for level 0+ (pool rounds: x1 (weight: 0.6), x2 (weight: 0.4)):
  •  Tsay x1 (weight: 0.89)
  •  Tsay Seed x1 (weight: 0.01)
  •  Ionic Ferment x1 (weight: 0.1)

Contains following drop option 1 loot:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: alterash common nature
Loot table ID(s): cttsayHarvest
In-game ID: ct_wild_tsay_seed
File path (GitHub link): /objects/farmables/tsay/ct_wild_tsay_seed.object

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