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Alta Light

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 16 revisions

 Alta Light is a common lvl.2 light.
Can be sold for 12 pixels.
A titanium light fixture on simplistic holders. Has crystals instead of lightbulbs.

Race descriptions: (Expand 8 items)
  • Alta: A basic ceiling light, you can find these in most alta buildings.
  • Apex: A light fixture made from metal.
  • Avian: It's a light, but not an attractive one.
  • Floran: Shiny lightsss.
  • Glitch: Impressed. This light functions superbly.
  • Human: These lights are great, until they start flickering.
  • Hylotl: This light is harsh and unforgiving.
  • Novakid: A light that works, what more could you want?


Can be crafted:

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Can be found as loot in:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes: (Expand 13 items)

Technical Information

Tags: alta common light
Level: 2
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_alta_light
File path (GitHub link): /objects/alta/basic/light/ct_alta_light.object

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