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Stun Stick

Ceterai edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

 Stun Stick is an uncommon lvl.4 1-handed electric shortsword.
Can be sold for 240 pixels.
WIP. A hand-held haulter used by alta security to prevent unauthorized activity.
Just like a lot of alta tools, including combat tools, this one is considered to be non-lethal by  alta security protocols, since it doesn't provide an amount energy to be able to really harm an alta, as well as the vast majority of Io creatures. It's only meant to scare away the target, or stugger it. In worst case scenarios, it will paralize the target, but not kill it.
The exception to this rule are drones, that can take damage from the plasmic charges from the hits.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: I feel quite secure with this. Begone, you evil... pois?.. companion drones? ... Do I really need this thing?
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • You've just picked up an alta weapon, or an "energy tool", as they call it. According to my database, these usually have an extended set of features. I suggest reading its description.

Primary Ability

Plasmic Haulter: WIP. A sequence of 3 light stun strikes. Hold to perform a Haulter Strike.
The retractable springrope holding the head of the stunstick

Item Variants

 Haulter Compact ★ is a legendary lvl.6 1-handed physical shortsword.
Can be sold for 364 pixels.
An alta haulter powered by  stardust. Its energy capabilities and range have been increased significantly.
Just like many stardust-enhanced tools, this one is a hand-made and can't really be produced on a factory scale. Very rarely, you can find these being used by some of the  elite forces protecting Alliana.

Upgraded Primary Ability

Stardust Haulter: A sequence of 4 (+1) light strikes. Hold to perform a Charged Haulter Strike.
Although a lot of improvements are purely technical and don't rely on stardust directly, all energy-related enhancements, including stun power, do highly depend on it.


Can be crafted:

Technical Information

Tags: alta calin crystal electric melee shortsword sword uncommon upgradeableweapon weapon
Level: 4
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_alta_stun_stick
File path (GitHub link): /items/active/weapons/melee/alta/light/ct_alta_stun_stick.activeitem

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