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Releases: Artemystra/eclipsephase

v1.1.3 Plans Foiled

11 Nov 14:48
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A small update of some long overdue bug fixes around psi. You're welcome!

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Fixed a bug that prevented psi from rolling its effects automatically when no swap- or upgrade options are available
  • Fixed a bug that raised the psi infection rating to 100 after every roll from a psi sleight

UX Improvements

  • Fixed an issue that broke the design if pools are getting into the double digits
  • Corrected a spelling mistake inside the standard psi infections

v1.1.2 - Politics and Schemes

10 Nov 17:14
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Hey there peeps around the world,

long time no hear, am I right? Well, I trusted that you believe me when I said I'll continue this project until the point where I tell I will no longer and so I do! Before you read on please be aware, that the next few lines talk about politics, depression and life goals. You have been warned!

The reason why it took me so long to publish a new release let alone such a meagre one with no real support of v12 (even though I now changed the tag) is that the whole world seemed to go mad around may this year. This and the fact that I had to switch jobs was quite demanding towards my psyche and took it's toll in a short term depression which I countered with "less sitting in front of the computer to relax from sitting in front of the computer the whole day".

The US election, the elections and political tides around the world frankly, really took it's toll on me and I just had to do something else instead of thinking too much in an environment that is far too close to a huge information source, so I started painting stuff and got pretty decent at it instead. Now... the US election is over and I can tell you that I'm one of these people who are utterly afraid of the direction this world turns and this lead me to the point in which I might as well cancel my work on this system and burrow myself into the next best Swiss bunker to just return when you guys sorted it all out... . But that's not what I'm going to do.

Eclipse Phase is a highly diverse system and world to me. Like none else it reflects hopes and fears of modern human society, be it the replacement by a machine, the fear of a military junta or the question what "being human" actually means. But this system and the people who're working on it do not say, that everything is grimdark. They're not writing Warhammer 40k (which I love to play, don't get me wrong) but instead offering a future that might not yet be perfect, but has the opportunity to be better than what we have today.

The lore tells about great catastrophes in which most of transhumanity gets killed, resource wars are fought and fascist, catholic regimes try to control the sun system. But they're not necessarily succeeding. They can fail. There might be opportunity in this world for a better place in which AI, humans and octopodae join claw in hand in tentacle to work and live together with no concepts for racism or hate and suppression. This is a possibility in Eclipse Phase.

So while TITAN is trying to kill us all (or is it?) and the Jovians are the meanest, baddest bunch in the whole galaxy (or are they?) we decide which stories we tell and can imagine a world in which gay- and trans-rights are real. In which we're not killing each other for (not) having specific reproductional organs. In which a better tomorrow is thinkable.

I love this world and lore and system and the prospect of a world which - with all it's flaws and horrors - tends to get a little bit brighter every day. And this is why I want to continue this system and will develop it even further than what we see today.

In the months to come I will now turn towards bigger topics inside the system. Too often did I not touch specific things in the vague hope that someone else might do it but alas: It's not going to happen. So the next couple of changes might be rather big and I might struggle a lot in finding out how to implement them, but I'll eventually getting there. Promise. Things I see on my plate next are:

  1. A character generation option with a system that allows it to simply add new cultures, professions and hobbies to your game
  2. An overhaul on Psi and the way infection is implemented
  3. An even better system to receive and withstand damage, so you will have less character sheet opening- and more actual playing time
  4. A better, responsive design for smaller screens
  5. And last but not least FINALLY drag and drop bodies to get rid of this old morph system in place

I hope you're still in for the ride! Will be a lot of fun to have had :)

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Fixed a bug that prevented "healing" from working properly
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the GM from seeing pool use in private gm rolls
  • Fixed a bug that rendered the calculation of temp wound/trauma ignore useless

v1.1.1 - A Musing

25 Apr 18:24
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Hey peeps,

not so long ago I released "thoroughly tested rolls" and since nobody came back to me yet this means that you did not test the rolls in the meantime, or you - as me - do not do muse-rolls that often. Well: They didn't work. Now they do!


Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Fixed a bug that prevented muses from doing any roll

UX Improvements

  • Fixed a graphical bug in Safari that rendered the item-sheet tabs ridiculously large
  • Muses will now roll by using their own name (defaults to "Muse of: $characterName" if n name is set

v1.1.0 - Rerolled!

21 Apr 12:59
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Hello fellow transhuman beings out there!

Today we're shipping another major update with our dice-roll-system completely rewritten and refactored! With this the oldest and by far most fragile part of our codebase waves it's goodbye and is never to be seen again! "But what does this have to do with any of us?" you might ask - well, let me elaborate:

With 1.0 shipped every major update we're presenting you with strifes to give you more options and make things a lot easier for you. Unfortunately the system was never meant to live that long and even if it was, I would never have know how to develop it more sturdy. With time passing this changed a little as well and so before I'm now introducing more and more clutter on top, I'll also refactor old stuff to make it easier for me and everyone who looks at this mess to understand stuff.

That said: There are many quality of life things in this update as well as some UX improvements as well, so I sure hope you like what you see! I believe I fixed most of the bugs during my live tests, but of course you're still invited to point out anything you find along the way.

As for the path forward: John is currently working hard to deliver morphs-as-a-item to you, so hopefully quite soon we might get our hands on some drag&drop morph solutions! And I'm currently trying to get my head around a more minimalistic, yet still great to use PC character sheet, as the current one is really quite huge and especially on smaller screens that's a lot of pain, I can understand. Apart from this I'll add some quality of life things to the chat like e.g. targeting enemies and an automated way of taking damage so the times you need to open that sheet just for housekeeping will be reduced during combats as well!

Look at me rambling again. I think it's time now for what you're all here for: The Patch Notes!

Added features

  • NEW ROLLS: All dice rolls are now part of a singular and flexible function, providing you - the gms and players - with a more sturdy experience during your adventures in the endless space
  • Rep-rolls finally have the option to be swapped and to be used pools upon
  • The new diceRollEvaluationEngine 2.0 (it's not really called that) will now present you always with the best solution for using your pools. No more calculating if you should chose to upgrade the roll instead of swapping dice. This is a thing of the past now!
  • GMs can now whisper rolls to players! This is a feature only used for infection rolls so far as it might be preferred to not show what mischievous things happen to your fellow asyncs. If you're the more open type you can still reveal given roll obviously.
  • You can roll damage directly from the chat now, giving you full control over what you're rolling when.

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • fixed a bug that added the meleeMod to ranged weapon attacks as well (thanks to cdlight62 and PhDaveMil for reporting)
  • Refactored the whole dice.js and broke some functions apart to make them easier to maintain
  • Reorganized a bunch of functions into new files to make it easier to keep an overview
  • Added a lot of documentation to already existing functions to help new devs to understand what's going on
  • Fixed a bug that rendered threat pools and iniMods of NPCs/Threats to be strings instead of integers, making it hard to calculate them correctly during playing

UX Improvements

  • All swappes, upgrades, mitigations and damage rolls have been transferred from being pop ups to being buttons available from the chat. This will help you not to close or hide any pop up accidentially while giving you full control over when to roll what. Only the GM and the owning player can see buttons to use pools & deal damage of course
  • The chat messages have been partly redesigned to be easier readable. This also comes with a new, streamlined method to display dice-roll breakdowns.
  • added "ignore infection" to the "use pool" droplist of the psi skillcheck instead of leaving it as a separated checkbox
  • Added the new "Character Options Source Book" ware to the compendium
  • "system.mods.recoverBonus" let's items now add a bonus to pool recovery rolls
  • roll formulas in the dice tray will only be shown if there are more than 1 dice rolled/expression present (e.g. 1d6 + 1 will be shown with a formula, 1d6 will only be shown as a singular dice)

v1.0.2 - All rested

21 Mar 13:54
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Hey hey,

it has been a while, that's true, but I had a lot on my plate (starting a new job for an instance) and as I said last year, the next steps of the system will go a bit slower most likely, now that the topics are far bigger and the system runs in it's core.

That doesn't mean though, that nothing will ever happen, and this minor update is to show good will!

Apart from this I'm happy that @johnhelmuth joined the group of people supporting the system. He's currently thinking about an option of bringing the new morph-logic into life, but he already helped a lot by sharing his thoughts (and actual code) in this little release as well.

So without further ado...

Added features

  • Added a new "Toggle All Players" checkbox to the recharge rest (thanks to herrozerro for reporting and @johnhelmuth for developing the actual functionality!)
  • Recharge rest dialog now allows to recharge all available player characters no matter whether they are actively used or not (thanks to herrozerro for reporting and @johnhelmuth for developing the actual functionality!)
  • There is a new option of declaring a know-/special skill is aktive by using a skillsoft. Just select "skillsoft" from the droplist within the given skill (Thanks to herrozerro for reporting)

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Ordered lists (lists with numbers) now show correctly throughout the sheet (Thanks to itteerde for reporting)

v1.0 - Ready for Kindergarten

21 Dec 22:39
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Three years ago...

... I started to learn how to code, just for this system to come into existence. I know that it's not beautiful. I know that it's not clean or really functional: But it's my work and I'm just about to say, that I'm proud of it. So...

I'm very proud of what we have today!

Bumping this system to v1.0 is some sort of a christmas present to me by myself and while I'm aware that I'm basically call something 1.0, I'm proud to say that everything I had in mind necessary for a minimum system came to be until now. I had a lot of help though, Will (mentioned him quite a lot) but also Cédric Hauteville's great YouTube videos, the famous League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Devs who had so much patience with me, all the translators helping with system localization so far and the numerous comments and bugs you all raised played a very important path in making this system better with every passing month.

So after celebrating myself for being a Kindergarten-Dev now, I also want to celebrate you today. Thank you, everyone. Your support meant a lot to me, and I hope, that the upcoming features, code reviews and fixes will live up to FoundryVTTs potential one day.

And until then... The Patchnotes for v1.0:

Added features

  • Exposed a direct way to grab the base movement value from any actor sheet to help feeding modules like drag ruler. While there might be a better integration someday, once I'm refactoring the morph system, you can use the following path for the time being: actor.system.additionalSystems.movementBase (Thanks to VacantFanatic)

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Fixed a bug that put out the wrong infection influences of original infections for some restricted/enhanced behaviours

UX Improvements

  • Updated the Readme towards v1.0 release (Nice... ReadMe Stuff!)
  • Changed the automated, partial healing rolls into SELF rolls instead of BLIND rolls

Hotfix v0.9.9.2 - Get moving

20 Dec 01:40
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Next round of hotfixes coming right in...

I know that I said "no new features and migration stuff, just fixing things..." but I got some really nice suggestions the last couple of days that I wanted to introduce as they're not too much work... so here they are:

Added features

  • Added two new integer inputs for every "movement speed" section on any morph. This was a legacy issue I implemented around 3 years ago and needed to be fixed in the future anyhow... but now it is! This means you can use "actorModel.bodies[actorModel.bodies.activeMorph].movement1.base" & "actorModel.bodies[actorModel.bodies.activeMorph].movement1.full" now for getting the given move values of your currently equipped morph (still a bit clunky I know, but it is what it is for now, I suppose...) (Thanks to VacantFanatic)

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Fixed a bug that triggered a heal cycle, even if the timeframe chosen was 1hour/day less than what's actually needed

UX Improvements

  • Added units + wound rates to additions to better communicate their conrete value (Thanks to ava5627)
  • Rolling healing without setting a specific number of the chosen timeframe now defaults to 1 * chosen timeframe (Thanks to ava5627)
  • Added more information to the fact shown in chat, if the healing cycle was not long enough to heal any damage/modifier (Thanks to ava5627)

Hotfix v0.9.9.1 - Adding choices

17 Dec 15:46
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Hey hey, me again!

So as I already mentioned I'm trying to iron out a few bugs and so far I'm not too unsuccessful! In this update we have some minor AND major convenience features and choices for your own to make.

I've also refactored much of the code around dice rolling - a good preparation for everything after v1.0!

Now without further ado... the patch notes!

Added features

  • Introduced an option to disregard ALL MODIFIERS in a roll when using pools. (Thanks ava5627)
  • Added a system setting that lets the GM decide whether their players are able to edit some automated values on their sheet or not (e.g. ammunition & pools)(Thanks ava5627 & herrozerro)

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • fixed a bug that returned "not enough heal time" in chat if "full heal" was selected.
  • Resolved a bug causing an error (-flexPool) in melee attacks targeting multiple opponents.
  • Corrected an issue that permitted players to expend more pool than available across successive melee attacks.
  • Implemented chat notifications to alert players when they lack sufficient pool for consecutive attacks while engaging multiple targets in melee combat.
  • Fixed a bug that led to damage rolls during multiple melee attacks even if the task roll was not a success

UX Improvements

  • Changed the reload message of NPCs/Threats to be a whipser to the GM only (you can now load the grenades you forgot while designing your encounter without letting the players know which goons they're gonna fight today (not that this ever happened to me...)
  • Fixed an UI bug that broke the morph type dropdown based on the localization laguage used
  • Redesigned pools on character sheets on player side in a way that makes it more clear how much pool you have while choosing what to spend it for
  • Added "auto select" to many input fields on character/npc/threat sheets (All this time we lost double clicking our values will never come back!)

v0.9.9 - Healthy Behaviour

14 Dec 11:29
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Christmas everybody!

I hope you have a really great time, currently and don't let all the stress and expectations get anywhere near you! Instead you should pay a close look at your health - what? No not the chocolate driven diet you're currently entertaining. I mean the REAL important health here - in Eclipse Phase!

Reason is, that I finished the last big feature update before finally pushing this system to version 1.0 and be don with it FOREVER! (Who am I kidding? There's still a lot to do as you know).

Before I'm presenting you with the patch notes I want to be a bit transparent about what to expect from this system over the next few weeks:

As you all know I'm really pushing to go for v1.0 this year, though with this update coming so so late I'm not entirely sure if I will make it. Although what you can do to help me with that is reporting any bugs you might find during your sessions. You're very free to post even new feature wishes oder missing functionality, but I will work solely on the three issues marked in the issues section and on every real bug you can find.

Bug fixing will go on till end of next week after which I'll release the last couple of fixes and be off till 2024. If we're in a state till then I deem worthy for being my 1.0 I'm happy du push though. If not, we'll stay in the 0.9.9ers... so let's hope for not so many bugs!

Well either way we have a number of cool stuff in this update and some of it looks quite nice! So here we go!

Added features

  • Reworked the health bar on top of each character sheet to provide a quick view on the current status of the character's health (both PCs and NPCs/Threats).
  • Added an Animation for increasing/decreasing health if the built in healing/damaging functionality is used
  • Introduced a "heal full" and a "heal roll" button to either just skip the healing procress or let the system figure out how much you can heal using the many different methods Eclipse Phase provides you with
  • Healing and taking damage is announced for any player characters. NPCs and Threats whisper their rolls to the GM - But let's be real here, most of the time you'll just seit their health the way you like. STILL... You CAN roll if you want... .
  • Added a - currently - very simple "Rez"-Counter to fill in the experience your character currently has. This will become a bit more complex and useful before v1.0 and is merely an input field as for now.

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • "Raise success level" was broken when attacks have been rolled from a weapon. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused character sheets entertaining a psi tab to uncontrollably reloading all the time.
  • fixed several UI bugs in the psi tab related to opening/closing items/the infection description

UX Improvements

  • replaced the psi-textarea with the foundry textbox
  • Deleted a dead "legal" link from the readme file (you all love readmes, I know it!)

v0.9.8.5 - Just a flex

03 Nov 14:49
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And on we go...
... after a month of recreation, travelling and terminating my work contract to start a new position, I finally have the focus and time to push out the next release with some long anticipated changes and fixes.

Even though not the hugest amount of changes I believe, that these smaller fixes will improve all our gaming experience.

Now, without holding you back any longer I present: The patch notes!

Bug Fixes & Code Quality

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a superior success from addind +2d6 to damage after a roll has been swapped
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from using flex to receive a +20 bonus to their skill checks (thanks ava5627 for reporting)
  • Fixed a bug that asked gms to migrate their system even after they did a clean install with the latest version
  • Fixed a bug that only ever migrated to the next viable version of the system, even if there are multiple migrations pending (thanks itteerde for reporting)
  • Added a notification in the console stating whether the latest migration is active or not
  • Fixed a bug that prevented flex to be used to increase the success level
  • added a migration script for fixing manual ini mods

UX Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that showed "Reach" as an applied modifier for each melee roll (even if it was not)
  • imporved the readability of npc's/threat's initiative (thanks ava5627 for reporting)