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Releases: willie68/WCPLD

first version of dual hex displays with atf16V8

13 Aug 10:03
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first version of dual hex displays with atf16V8.
One for the comon cathode part, one for common anode.
See, t3001 files for the hardware schematics.

Refactoring of source file

11 Aug 12:15
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Here is nothing new.

Initial release

11 Aug 11:31
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Initial release Pre-release


Since WinCUPL is no longer running on any of my computers, I wrote a batch, directly starting cupl.exe, with which I can generate the JED file and also run the simulator right away. Personally, though, I like having the sources in one place. I personally find the duplication of the headers of the PLD and SI file and the manual synchronization between the two unpleasant. That's why I came up with the simple WPLD format and wrote the WCUPL tool for it. The WCUPL tool is available in my repo ( This eliminates the tedious header matching and logic and test are in one file.

The tool itself doesn't do much. Any arguments are passed directly to CUPL.

  • macros surrounded by {{}} will be exchange with some other data:
    {{filename}}: is the filename without wpld extension
    {{date}}: is the actual date in format yyyy-mm-dd (ISO8601)
  • it will create a subfolder called wcupl and copy the wpld into it.
  • From this wpld files, header: and pld: are merged into one #.pld file and header: and simulator: part into the file.
  • Then cupl is started from the same directory where wcupl is located. Or if present using environment variable CUPL_HOME for trying to find cupl.exe. (So sorry, this version is only for windows users)

Example wpld file:

Name     {{filename}} ;
PartNo   01 ;
Date     {{date}} ;
Revision 02 ;
Designer wkla ;
Company  nn ;
Assembly None ;
Location  ;
Device   G16V8 ;

/* *************** INPUT PINS *********************/
PIN 1   =  A12; 
PIN 2   =  A13;
PIN 3   =  A14;
PIN 4   =  A15;
PIN 9   =  PHI2;

/* *************** OUTPUT PINS *********************/
PIN 12   =  CSRAM;
PIN 13   =  CSHIROM;
PIN 15   =  CSIO;

/* *************** LOGIC *********************/

/* RAM */
CSRAM = A15 # !PHI2;

/* 8kb of ROM */
CSHIROM = !(A15 & A14 & A13);

/* IO */
CSIO= !(A15 & A14 & !A13 & A12);

/* Starting Test description */

0 X X X 0 H H H 
0 X X X 1 L H H 
1 0 X X X H H H 
1 1 0 0 X H H H 
1 1 0 1 X H H L 
1 1 1 X X H L H 

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