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Maze Task Specifications

ARAKAWA, Naoya edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision



Tasks are designed to test the cognitive capabilities of a virtual mouse in certain terrains.
The tasks are set up according to:

  1. Cues for self-location
  2. Complexity of the terrain
  3. Gradual rise of difficulty in the same terrain

Cues for self-location

Checkered walls and landmarks are placed as cues.

Complexity of the terrain

A linear maze, a cross maze, and an arrow-head maze are used as terrains.
In the cross maze, the start position is variable so that the mouse is not to follow the determined path.
The arrow-head maze is designed so that it cannot be mapped with regular triangles, for the grid cells in the brain represent regular triangles.

Gradual rise of difficulty in the same terrain

In the linear maze, task difficulty varies.


M Sato et al., eNeuro (2017)

Video of a mouse VR experiment:


Common Spec.

  • The mouse agent moves at 0.15 sec/step {1m/step or ±10 deg./step}.
  • S is the start point for the episode.
  • G is the goal point.
  • The next episode begins if a certain condition is met.
  • After Task 2, if a certain condition is met at R, reward can be obtained at R and G.
  • Else a certain condition is met at R, reward cannot be obtained at G either.

Linear Maze


  • Maze length: 24m
    • S: 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2 :G (m)
    • S: White, Green, White, Green, White, Green, White: G
  • Maze width: 1m
  • Wall color
    • Green wall: Green-black checkered wall (in 3 locations between S and G)
    • White wall: White-black checkered wall
  • The landmarks (Mountain、Tower、Building) beyond the wall are the same as those in the video (Fig. Right).

Linear Maze Placement

Tasks and their aims

No. Tasks Aims
1 Reward is unconditionally given at G. To learn to get reward by reaching G
2 Reward is given when passing R and afterward at G. To learn to get reward by reaching R besides G
3 Reward is given at R having waiting for two seconds there and afterward at G. Reward is not given if it does not wait at R (either at R nor G). To learn to get reward after waiting for 2 seconds at R
4 R moves to another location. R moves to the green wall closest to G. Reward condition is the same as 3. To learn to get reward after waiting for 2 seconds at R even if its location changes
5 R moves to the green wall closest to S. Reward condition is the same as 4. To learn to get reward after waiting for 2 seconds at R even if its location changes further
6 The location where an interim reward is given changes each time. To generalize the tasks 4 and 5
7 Geometrical figures (○、△、□) are shown to the mouse agent at S. ○: Reward is given if it waits for 2 seconds at the green wall closest to G. △: Reward is given if it waits for 2 seconds at the green wall in the middle. □: Reward is given if it waits for 2 seconds at the green wall closest to S. To learn the relation between the figures and locations; the condition for reward is the same.
8.a-d All wall parts become white-black checkered. To learn the relation between the location (not the color) and reward
8.a If it waits for 2 seconds at a location that was a green wall in the middle, reward is given and afterwards at G (same as 4) -
8.b The location where reward is given changes as in 5. -
8.c The location where reward is given changes as in 6. -
8.d Geometrical figures are shown at S as in 7. -

Cross Maze


  • Maze arm length (from the center to the end): 12m
  • Maze width: 1m
  • Tower in the north-east
  • Mountain in the south-west

Cross Maze Placement

Tasks and their aims

No. Tasks Aims
1 S is at the end of the arm. An R is fixed. There are three Ss and the start location is randomly chosen. To grasp reward location allocentrically rather than egocentrically
2 S is at the center of the cross. Rs locate at the ends of the arm. All rewards (3 of them) should be obtained. To learn that there is no reward at the location already visited

Task 1 Task 1

Task 2 Task 2

Arrow-head Maze


  • S is the start location.
  • Reward is given at R having waiting for two seconds there R.
  • An episode ends having reached G after meeting the reward condition at R.
  • The episode is terminated unless the condition is not met after a certain number of steps.
  • The middle path cannot be passed at the beginning.
  • The bottom route is shorter.
  • The central bottom angle of the triangle: 120 degs.

Arrow-head Maze Placement

Tasks and their aims

No. Tasks Aims
1 No middle path so that G can be reached from above or below. To learn to reach G via the shortest path while obtaining reward with the same condition as the linear maze
2 A red wall appears and G becomes unreachable from below. To learn to reach G via another path even the shortest path is blocked while obtaining reward with the same condition as the linear maze
3 The middle path is formed. To learn to reach G via the middle path as the new shortest path while obtaining reward with the same condition as the linear maze

Task 1 Arrow-head Maze Task 1

Task 2 Arrow-head Maze Task 2

Task 3 Arrow-head Maze Task 3