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A music player library that supports stream playback with download feature, remote playback, and analytics. It is build on Exo-Player and Google Cast framework.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


An all purpose music player library

How to add Goonj to your Android application

Step 1:

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Step 2:

Add the dependency

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.rever-ai:goonj:v0.2.1'


Register Service

In your onCreate(), add the following lines:


where pendingIntent is the Intent which defines what is activity that on click on Notification will take to. Example:

pendingIntent = Intent(applicationContext,

Unregister Service

In your onDestroy(), add the following lines:


Implement GoonjPlayer Interface

To use Audio player actions, implement GoonjPlayer interface in your Activity/Fragment.

class AudioPlayerActivity : AppCompatActivity(), GoonjPlayer


Method Description
startNewSession(context:Context) Starts a new Audio Session. Clears existing playlist.
addAudioToPlaylist(context: Context, audioTrack: Samples.Track, index: Int ?= -1) Add an audio to playlist.
play(context: Context) Resume the player
pause(context: Context) Pauses the player
seek(context: Context, positionMs: Long?) Seek by a certain length. +ve values seek forward, -ve seek backward.
setAutoplay(context: Context, autoplay : Boolean, indexFromLast: Int, autoLoadListener: AutoLoadListener) Lets you enable Autoplay with auto-fetch tracks.
session(context: Context) : List<Samples.Track> Returns current playlist
removeTrack(context: Context,index : Int) Removes track from current Index in the playlist
moveTrack(context: Context, currentIndex : Int, finalIndex : Int) Moves a prticular track from one place in the playlist to another.
skipToNext(context: Context) Skip to next track.
skipToPrevious(context: Context) Skip to previous track
isPlayingLiveData(context: Context) Returns a LiveData that tells if the Player is paused or playing. Helps in updating Play/Pause Icon/Button in UI.
currentPlayingTrack(context: Context) Returns a LiveData that contains details of the Current Track that is playing.
analyticsObservable : Observable Add an Observer onto this to capture Analytics from the Player events.


To support ChromeCast, add CastButtonFactory.setUpMediaRouteButton(this, yourMediaRouterButtonInXML) to your Activity/Fragment and add yourMediaRouterButtonInXML in your XML Layout. ** Note **: Cast doesn't supports Autoplay.