Add following in build.gradle (Project level):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add following in build.gradle (App level):
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.rever-ai:goonj:0.5.8'
// Exo Player
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
// Rx
implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxkotlin:2.4.0"
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1'
To register Goonj, add following line:
where AudioPlayerActivity is activity that will open on clicking Notification.
To unregister Goonj, add following line:
To use player actions, implement GoonjPlayer interface or use Goonj singleton instance
class AudioPlayerActivity : AppCompatActivity(), GoonjPlayer
val property = someProperty
Goonj.someMethod() or Goonj.someProperty
Method/Property | Description |
startNewSession() | Starts a new Audio Session. Clears existing playlist. |
resume() | Resume the player. |
pause() | Pauses the player. |
finishTrack() | Manual finish track. |
seekTo(positionMs: Long) | Seek by a certain position, could be used with trackPosition to move forward or backward. |
addTrack(track : Track, index: Int? = null) | Add an audio to playlist. |
removeTrack(index : Int) | Removes track from current Index in the playlist. |
moveTrack(currentIndex : Int, finalIndex : Int) | Moves a particular track from one place in the playlist to another. |
skipToNext() | Skip to next track. |
skipToPrevious() | Skip to previous track. |
customiseNotification(useNavigationAction: Boolean, usePlayPauseAction: Boolean, fastForwardIncrementMs: Long, rewindIncrementMs: Long, smallIcon: Int) | Customise notification which appear while playing. |
changeActivityIntentForNotification(intent: Intent) | Set activity on notification click. |
removeNotification() | Remove notification. |
register(context: Context) | Simplest way to register Goonj. |
register(context: Context, activityIntent: Intent) | Extras with intent could be sent. |
register<S: GoonjService>(context: Context, activityIntent: Intent, audioServiceClass: Class |
Advanced registration for custom AudioService implementation. |
unregister() | unregister Goonj |
imageLoader | Track image loader, used to load image in notification (((Track, (Bitmap?) -> Unit) -> Unit)) |
tryPreFetchAtProgress | Try pre-fetching at track progress |
trackPreFetcher | Track pre-fetcher, which could be used to load further tracks |
preFetchDistanceWithAutoplay | Try pre-fetching when this much track left to play, while on autoplay |
preFetchDistanceWithoutAutoplay | Try pre-fetching when this much track left to play, while not on autoplay |
autoplay | Enable autoplay with auto-fetch tracks, could be used get current state of autoplay. |
trackList | Get current playlist. |
playerState | Get player state (GoonjPlayerState). |
currentTrack | Get current track (Track). |
lastCompletedTrack | Get last completed track (Track). |
trackPosition | Get current track position in milli-seconds (Long). |
trackProgress | Get current track progress between 0 to 1 (Double). |
playerStateFlowable | Flowable of (GoonjPlayerState) that tells if the Player state. Helps in updating Play/Pause Icon/Button in UI. |
currentTrackFlowable | Flowable of (Track) that contains details of the Current Track that is playing. |
autoplayFlowable | Flowable of (Track) that contains details of the Current Track that is playing. |
downloadStateFlowable | Flowable of (DownloadState). |
isDownloaded(trackId: String) | Check if given track is downloaded. |
trackCompletionObservable | Observable of (Track) that get completed after subscription. |
iconWhileDownload | Drawable int used as icon while download active in notification. |
maxCacheBytes | Max cache size in bytes. |
Feature under development