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Control a Joint Based Robot with RoNeX

Yi Li edited this page Sep 25, 2013 · 1 revision

If you're working with a joint based robot, thanks to RoNeX, you can control your whole robot with just a few lines of xml (simply adding custom transmissions to the URDF robot model).

You can find this example in the sr_ronex_examples package. The files used are:

  • model/ronex.urdf: a description of the robot
  • launch/sr_ronex_urdf.launch: a launch file to start the drivers, the controllers, and a few utils.
  • config/joint_position_controller.yaml: the parameter settings.

Set an alias for your RoNeX module

To be able to run this example, you'll need to setup an alias for your RoNeX module. To do this, simply follow the instruction.

Creating your URDF

There are extensive Tutorials on the ROS wiki, covering how to write a URDF. We'll assume you're familiar with URDF for this tutorial.

Let's use this very simple robot model as a base, with one continuous joint.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<robot name="flexible">
  <!-- standard urdf -->
  <link name="base_link">
        <cylinder length="0.6" radius="0.2"/>
      <material name="blue">
        <color rgba="0 0 .8 1"/>

  <link name="head">
        <sphere radius="0.2"/>
      <material name="white"/>

  <joint name="head_swivel" type="continuous">
    <parent link="base_link"/>
    <child link="head"/>
    <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
    <origin xyz="0 0 0.3"/>

Let's say that a position sensor is plugged into the analogue pin 6 of your General I/O board. We want to map this position sensor to our robot's joint position. To do this, we use a RonexTransmission. Add the following after the </joint> in the previous URDF:

  <transmission type="sr_ronex_transmissions/RonexTransmission" name="my_ronex_transmission">
    <joint name="head_swivel"/>
    <mapping ronex="/ronex/general_io/test_ronex" property="position" analogue_pin="6" scale="0.001" offset="0.0"/>

The first line loads the transmission and gives it the name my_ronex_transmission. As you can see, this transmission is acting on the joint head_swivel (which has been defined previously in the URDF). The mapping line is then mapping one given RoNeX module (using it's RoNeX id), to the position property of our joint. We're specifying which analogue pin to use (6 in this example), and also scaling the input to a better range by using a scale and offset.

Let's now assume that you've also got a servo. It is plugged into the PWM module 1 - pin 0 using digital pin 0 as the direction pin. We now want to control the joint in position. We can refine the previous transmission to add this servo.

  <transmission type="sr_ronex_transmissions/RonexTransmission" name="my_ronex_transmission">
    <joint name="head_swivel"/>
    <mapping ronex="/ronex/general_io/test_ronex" property="position" analogue_pin="6" scale="0.001" offset="0.0"/>
    <mapping ronex="/ronex/general_io/test_ronex" property="command" pwm_module="1" pwm_pin="0" direction_pin="0"/>

As you can see we're adding a command mapping line to map the command_ of the joint to the servo plugged into our PWM module.

If you have an effort sensor (on analogue pin 7 for example), you could also map it in the transmission:

  <transmission type="sr_ronex_transmissions/RonexTransmission" name="my_ronex_transmission">
    <joint name="head_swivel"/>
    <mapping ronex="/ronex/general_io/test_ronex" property="position" analogue_pin="6" scale="0.001" offset="0.0"/>
    <mapping ronex="/ronex/general_io/test_ronex" property="effort"   analogue_pin="7" scale="1.0" offset="0.0"/>
    <mapping ronex="/ronex/general_io/test_ronex" property="command" pwm_module="1" pwm_pin="0" direction_pin="0"/>

As you can see each mapping line is optional so you can adjust the transmission to your available hardware.

Writing the launch file

Now that you have a model of your robot which maps the different sensors and motors you have to your RoNeX's inputs, we want to load the robot model and start the driver. To do this you can use this simple launch file.

  <!-- Load the robot description -->
  <param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/ '$(find sr_ronex_examples)/model/ronex.urdf'" />

  <!-- Allows to specify the ethernet interface to be used. It defaults to the value of the env var ETHERCAT_PORT -->
  <arg name="ethercat_port" default="$(optenv ETHERCAT_PORT eth0)" />

  <!-- Start the ronex driver -->
  <node name="ronex" pkg="pr2_ethercat" type="pr2_ethercat" args="-i $(arg ethercat_port) -r /robot_description" output="screen"  launch-prefix="nice -n -20"/>

You can view your robot using rviz. If you add a Robot Model plugin and use /base_link as the fixed frame you should see a D2R2 like robot. You can swivel the head around using your analogue "position" sensor.

Adding Controllers

Now that we can both read the position and control a servo, let's start some joint position controllers. To do this, we first need to make the joint head_swivel controllable. We'll use the RoNeX fake calibration controllers for that.

Setting up the different controller settings

If you create a joint_position_controller.yaml file you can define these simple parameters.

  type: sr_ronex_controllers/FakeCalibrationController
  joint: head_swivel

Now that it is possible to use our joints in the standard ROS controller, we can setup a PID joint position controller on our head swivel topic. Let's add the parameters to our yaml controller parameter file. We can use the ROS standard robot_mechanism_controllers/JointPositionController.

  type: robot_mechanism_controllers/JointPositionController
  joint: head_swivel
  pid: &head_swivel_gains
    p: 1000.0
    d: 0.0
    i: 0.0
    i_clamp: 0.0

Loading the settings and spawning the controllers

The different settings for our controllers are ready to be loaded. We can go back to editing the launch file to load them and then we'll spawn the fake calibration controllers (making the joints controllable) and the position controller.

<!-- Loads the controller parameter -->
  <rosparam command="load" file="$(find sr_ronex_examples)/config/joint_position_controller.yaml" />

  <!-- spawn fake calibration controller: the pr2 controllers need the joints
       to be set to calibrated = true to work -->
  <node name="fake_calib_controllers_spawner"
        pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" output="screen"
        args="head_swivel_fake_calib" />

  <!-- spawning traditional joint controllers -->
  <node name="joint_controllers_spawner"
        pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" output="screen"
        args="--wait-for=calibrated head_swivel_controller" />

  <!-- publishes tf from joint states to be able to view in rviz -->
  <node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher"/>

Making sure our pins are set to output mode

The last thing we need to do is to change the mode of the pins we use for the servo to output. By default all the digital pins are set to input. To do this we access the dynamic reconfigure interface from our launch file.

  <!-- setting the corresponding pins to output mode on the RoNeX -->
  <node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="dynparam" name="dynparam_i2"
	args="set /ronex/general_io/test_ronex input_mode_2 false" />
  <node pkg="dynamic_reconfigure" type="dynparam" name="dynparam_i5"
	args="set /ronex/general_io/test_ronex input_mode_5 false" />